Fume Spitter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fume Spitter

Creature — Phyrexian Horror

Sacrifice Fume Spitter: Put a -1/-1 counter on target creature.

wallisface on

11 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • you have practically no ways to reliably put -1/-1 counters onto your opponents board, which is going to make it very hard to enact any kind of plan. I would suggest considering cards like Grind / Dust, Fume Spitter, Black Sun's Zenith, Skinrender etc.

  • Blue is doing almost nothing for you in this brew, and considering your relatively fragile manabase, i’d suggest ditching it entirely and just going with 2 colours.

  • Nature's Claim is a very weak mainboard card as against a lot of decks it won’t be able to do anything. Chromatic Star also serves no real purpose here other than marginally thinning your deck.

I have my own competitive Hapatra deck here if you wanted some inspiration. I imagine its a bit too expensive for your liking, but might help give you some good ideas on where to take your own brew

wallisface on Weakness

1 year ago

Interesting brew. I have my own -1/-1 counter deck here which might help inspire you. Some general thoughts:

  • 20 lands feels pretty low considering your mana curve - i’d be inclined to say you’d need 22-23.

  • Wither isn’t a great way to apply counters, because it leaves it up to your opponent to decide when and what gets -1/-1 counters applied. I’d suggest some more direct ways to appky counters, like Fume Spitter and Grind / Dust

  • I’m really not convinced Infiltration Lens is much use here, especially as Hapatra is the only creature the opponent likely wants to block to begin with.

pea_body on -1 Counters

1 year ago

wallisface Thanks for the advice, I have been playing this deck with only Archfiend of Ifnir and often struggle to keep it in play long enough to trigger its ability and should have foreseen the problems of running twelve 4+ mana cost cards.

Obviously, I should change out the 4x Splendid Agony, but would replacing Archfiend of Ifnir with Black Sun's Zenith be an okay change?

In my actual deck at the moment I have Dismember and Tragic Slip to easily kill creatures. I assume that it would be okay if I replace Wasteland Scorpion and Nezumi Bone-Reader with those if I replace Archfiend of Ifnir.

Random card replacements

Again thanks for the ideas! I'm just playing against friends so I can't make it too good if you know what I mean. :)

wallisface on -1 Counters

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • your mana curve feels very high at the moment. In particular, modern decks generally struggle to run more than 4 cards costing 4-or-more mana… you’ve got a whopping 12 in this range. Your mana curve is also very heavily weighted towards 3-mana stuff, which could be a problem.

  • even with a lower mana curve, i think you need more lands… like 23-24 minimum. I’d advise against Cabal Stronghold because its a really bad card - you need it and 4 swamps in play just to break even! You’re already at the peak of your curve by that point. There’s never going to be a situation where it’s useful.

  • Grind / Dust is better than Splendid Agony.

  • A lot of your wither creatures aren’t going to help you too much, they’re all super fragile so most the time in combat they’ll die in exchange for just weakening a creature… that’s not a good trade. Fume Spitter is an amazing card though, and Festering Mummy would probably also serve you well here. But i think in general you’re running too many creatures (especially a lot of creatures that provide limited value). You’re prolly better off playing more disruptive spells to give your higher mana cards a better chance of seeing play.

  • not sure if its in your budget, but Black Sun's Zenith. Outside of that the next best thing to do in a -1/-1 counter deck is be playing it as Black-Green, to get access to better payoffs, and better interactions

Strangelove on Shirei token

2 years ago

Hey Lucas_honorio_ !

Shirei was also my first commander deck. Its a really fun commander. Although she's a glass cannon, looping 1/1s is still my favorite. Here's my last budget build: Shirei/ Budget; and another that has a bunch of cards: Shirei/ Soft Stax [EDH].

You already have a lot of fun interactions, but you're gonna want consistency. I would play more draw and ramp, try to play almost exclusively low cmc, and only keep the best effects that are focused on your strategy. So -1 Open the Graves, -1 Genesis Chamber, etc... (you don't need tokens as much as you need sacrifice outlets and draw).

You want all your draw and ramp BEFORE Shirei hits the board. It'll help smooth the early game. Look for cards like Village Rites, Deadly Dispute, Plumb the Forbidden... pure gas to set up your wincon (Shirei).

My top includes are Sultai Emissary, Skullport Merchant, Fume Spitter, Mindless Automaton, Thoughtpicker Witch, Dusk Legion Zealot, and Carrion Feeder.

Pro tip: Expect to play some archenemy. This is a deck that's "taking turns" on everyone's end step and is very easy to disrupt by forcing out Shirei.

btw you can list shirei as your commander like so:

1x Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker *CMDR*

wallisface on Scarecrows

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Firstly, the BIG ISSUE: Persist will not work with Grim Poppet. It will make the Poppet enter with 4 -1/-1 counters, and die immediately (there is no chance during the brief few seconds it’s in play to prevent its death, this happens before you can activate abilities or cast spells). I would suggest ditching the Persist package and trying to find another way to get this scarecrow out onto the battlefield.

  • Chainbreaker does almost nothing for you here, as its own -1/-1 counters contribute nothing, and you won’t often be wanting to invest a whole turn just removing a counter. Considering your lack of 1cmc cards, I would think Fume Spitter a better fit.

  • Lockjaw Snapper feels like a strictly worse version of Soul Snuffers. I’d suggest playing the latter, if anything.

  • I feels like your deck will often really need 4ish lands in play to achieve what it needs to. I think you need to go up to 24 lands to help ensure that.

  • Torture seems cute, but its mostly just a super-inefficient killspell. I get you can put it on the Poppet, but that’s a lot of work for little gain. A killspell feels better, or at least Grind / Dust.

wallisface on

2 years ago


  • Crumbling Ashes generally isn’t worth it as it’s just another “payoff” card, and between Hapatra and the Spider we already have enough of those. Its effect isn’t particularly strong (it takes a lot of work to see an upside), and we can’t get it with C-Company.

  • Banewhip Punisher just feels really weak for its cmc. It’s not terrible but I just don’t think it has the strength of any of my current choices. Fume Spitter basically does “close-enough” to its job for 1cmc.

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