Engineered Might

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Engineered Might


Choose one ---

  • Target creature gets +5/+5 and gains trample until end of turn.

  • Creatures you control gets +2/+2 and gain vigilance until end of turn.

CharTheRac on It's About Mushrooms

1 year ago

carpecanum, thank you so much for your feedback!

I'm completely new to commander (besides playing 2 games), and after a hiatus from MTG I thought I'd make a commander deck to join into the hype ^^

I got rid of some cards that didn't have anything special (Blood Artist), didn't fit the commander's color (Nahiri's Machinations), or were being replaced by others abilities (Engineered Might and Lunarch Mantle); to add Dolmen Gate, Contagion Clasp (for good measure), Contagion Engine, and Pollenbright Wings.

Thank you again for the comment!

BRG24 on

3 years ago

Sundering Growth is nice, probably only a sideboard card though, since not every deck will have artifacts and enchantments hat you want to remove. Perhaps my only consideration would be how consistently you have a good populate target (ie an eternalised Pouncer), since populating a 1/1 isn’t great. If you feel that you don’t have this often enough then I’d recommend Return to Nature instead, since it has the extra mode of giving pretty good graveyard hate, particularly into deck running Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath or Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger. Plus, you already have some removal already in the deck from Feline Sovereign.

If you want to make the populate more consistent, then I’d recommend Ajani, Strength of the Pride as another way of making decent tokens, this time in he form of an Ajani's Pridemate. Also, he can provide a lot of lifegain (this is a far better card for lifegain than stuff like Heroes' Reunion, since he has other modes that are strong, and his lifegain does provide direct value with his other abilities) and has an emergency reset button that you can sometimes fall back on. If you want to be more savvy, as you put it, I feel Ajani would be a great fit.

With regards to Oketra's Last Mercy, I feel many of the comments I made about other pure lifegain cards still apply, and some of those core issues are made even worse here. It is very much a last resort card, so there will be lots of situations where it is just dead in your hand. For the most part, drawing any of your cats with lifelink would be better, since you’re helping your life total issue, as well as advancing your game plan. However, even as a last resort to keep yourself alive, the card isn’t great, since by having your lands not untap you open yourself up massively on your next turn, and you will often end up in a similar position afterwards. This is a 6+ mana lifegain spell, and I feel it isn’t worth it. For big lifegain, I’d say Ajani, Strength of the Pride is a far better option.

Finally, I’ll explain why I value Unbreakable Formation so much. This card, for the most part, is not your finisher in the deck, but instead is a card to be kept in hand and used reactively to save your board, in the same way as Heroic Intervention is used. This almost never a pump spell or a finisher in the deck, and I might not have been clear about that, I’m sorry, so you shouldn’t consider it as such. That said, in some situations you can cast it to give the buff and swarm in to push for a win, while also not leaving you exposed should your opponent survive, since everything would have vigilance and indestructible. You will most often have the bigger board, so having things unblockable feels like less of a priority, although if you feel it is, then I would use spells that give trample instead. If you do want a big pump spell finisher for the deck, my recommendations would be either Return of the Wildspeaker or Engineered Might. Return gives a huge buff to your whole board (although no trample unfortunately), but can also double as a massive card draw spell, something that the deck lacks entirely and will prevent you running out of gas. Casting Return with a massive Pridemate out could draw you tons of cards and set you up to quickly end the game. Might, on the other hand, offers flexibility in another way, allowing you to either go tall on a massive Pridemate or Pouncer and get the trample as well, or go really wide with all your tokens.

I hope this has been helpful, if you have more questions I’m happy to help more.

JohnnyBoyG on Lands & Mana

5 years ago

I'd recommend cutting the color fixing artificats (Terrarion, Prophetic Prism). Neither is very strong, and it's hard to justify playing them just to play 5 other cards. Engineered Might is not good enough to justify the splash. Herald of Kozilek is, but given how many colorless cards you are running, you can probably afford to add some blue-producing lands. If you add just 1 island, you have 9 virtual blue sources (4 Aether Hubs, 4 Evolving Wilds, and the island). And you can also add more dual lands, and cut the Reliquary Tower (hand size is very rarely an issue). Alternatively, you could consider cutting one of your colors entirely, though I know that will be painful.

As for additions, I'd recommend better early game cards. In particular, mana dorks such as Llanowar Elves or Druid of the Cowl, and early removal, such as Lightning Strike or Harnessed Lightning could be good.

Lastly, I don't think those tags mean what you think they do. Show and Tell refers to decks trying to cheat big creatures into play using that card, not a deck you're showing to the public, wizards refers to the creature type, not the company, and netdeck refers to a deck you got from the net, not one you're putting there. Otherwise, wouldn't these tags apply to every deck here?

Skinken on Selesnya Exertion

6 years ago

Wow, I haven't been on untap lately, but the arguments about this deck turned pretty interesting. I would like to state my opinion.

First off, HeavyR, Shapers' Sanctuary does work with Blossoming Defense. Your opponent casts say Lightning Strike on your creature, then the sanctuary trigger goes on the stack. You can respond to the trigger by casting Blossoming Defense on your creature. Now let's resolve the stack: first the Blossoming Defense grants the creature +2/+2 and hexproof, then you draw a card from Shapers' Sanctuary, then the Lightning Strike looks to see if it's targets are all still valid. They aren't since the creature has hexproof and thus it fizzles.

While we are at it, let's make another correction: FlabbyAbs said there are no Overruns in standard. We actually have exactly a powered down overrun in Overcome. Is this something you want in your deck? I don't know how your deck tends to play out when facing other standard decks, but if you often sit on 3-6 creatures but no window to attack, then sure. If you have trouble sticking more than 2 creatures on the board don't even consider it. I would also like to think Overcome is simply better than Engineered Might.

Personally I'm a huge fan of Heroic Intervention, but only as a 1 or 2-off. I was lucky enough to draft two of them in an Aether Revolt draft last year and I went undefeated. The strength of the card lies in it's ability to take care of a lot of problems your creatures might encounter: Blockers, Attackers, Removal and Wraths. I would include a copy mainboard, and maybe one in the sideboard as well. Blossoming Defense just keeps perfoming in the games i've seen it. In my opinion it's the only card worth splashing green for, and I would prolly run the full playset if you don't run Heroic Intervention. If you run heroic, I would run a 3-1 split between the two. Cut Sheltering Light, it's just a way shittier card than the two great green options.

Lifecrafter's Bestiary is a really good card, and in a slow control game it's totally insane. It's a sideboard card for sure, but a VERY good one. The scry is already great and the card advantage is completely stupid after drawing 4-10 cards. It also synergizes with Oketra's Monument. How? Well, both cards big weakness is Abrade. The way to counter a specific removal type is to run no targets for it or way too many targets to handle anyway. While we are on the topic of Oketra's Monument, i see no reason not to run 4. The only downside is the legendary tag, but I can't think of a case where you wouldn't want it. With bestiary it becomes "Whenever you play a creature, put a 1/1 warrior token onto the battlefield, then draw a card", since the discount and extra price counteract eachother. Good stuff.

I guess I have to state my opinion on Shapers' Sanctuary and Authority of the Consuls. I don't agree with the point that bringing down the curve makes the deck more aggresive. When neither of the cards impact the board, it's a no-tempo play. Authority is great against mono-red but the purpose HeavyR presents is to delay every blocker your opponent plays by one turn. While I agree with HeavyR that you should have a way to deal with blockers, there are honestly tons of ways to do this. Angel of Sanctions removes a blocker twice, while also developing your own board. Surprisingly many decks don't play a lot of creatures early anyway. And you deal with counterattacks very well by having vigilance from Radiant Destiny and tokens form Oketra's Monument. I would say that blockers is not really your big concern with your current list. Shapers' Sanctuary is a little more tricky. Remember that it's only good if it draws 3+ card. Drawing one you might as well just play a card with cycling, and two cards for is fine but not really impressive. And this is if you draw it on turn one, wich you are unlikely to only do. Ask yourself: If I play this on turn six, can I still expect to draw at least 2 cards? If that's the case it's awesome. If not it's a lot worse than just running Dissenter's Deliverance or something like that.

I will move on to the maybeboard and some mainboard creatures now, since you asked for it. But first remember this is my opinion on your deck. Whether to run one creature or another comes down to three things: How much you should play it, how well it actually performs and how much you want to play it. If you are really competitive the last one doesn't apply but either way I can only supply you with the first one. Here are my thoughts either way ;)

Tocatli Honor Guard is amazing... If you were your opponent. But you are unlikely going to damage your opponent more than yourself. In fact, this is the kinda deck I would love to play Torpor Orb against, seems stupid to develop it yourself.

Maulfist Revolutionary is usually a surpricingly good card, and the 3/3 trample is pretty nice in itself. If you stack the triggers right you can even play it as a followup to a turn 2 Metallic Mimic to get a 5/5 trample. However, it seems very inconsistent especially with the . I would not play this.

Narnam Renegade fits into the same caterogy: pretty good when it works, but it doesn't so it's not good enough. You don't trigger revolt often enough to make it worth it, and your deck does not need a deathtoucher (no Pounce/Prey Upon/Nature's Way to abuse it).

I like the idea of Trueheart Duelist. It's a good blocker, but mostly it's a recurring creature and a token. If you include a playset you might wanna consider running a single Anointed Procession as well. By now you have enough good tokens to justify it.

Rhonas's Stalwart is a pretty cool idea, but the card is mediocre. If you want to play warriors, Bitterblade Warrior used to be a powerhouse in limited. You know what else used to be a limited powerhouse though? Gust Walker. It's sadly not a warrior but on every other level it's almost strictly better than Stalwart. This would be my choice for two-drops 9 and 10, after Metallic Mimic and Glory-Bound Initiate.

The reason to play Sunscourge Champion would be to gain life while playing creatures. Ask yourself: Why do I need 2-6 life? The answer would most likely be: I don't. There is another reason to play it, but that would require a different deck. However, if we for a moment pretend you already play 4x Oketra's Monument instead of two and also choose to play 4x Trueheart Duelist and 1-2x Anointed Procession it is very good. It helps avoid getting flooded with legendary Monuments, and it also has the potential to be doubled, wich is insane. This would be a big detour from your deck, so I'm not sure this is something you want. It's a great sideboard card though, because you might suddenly be in a spot where lifepoints are very dear to you.

Last note: some sideboard cards seem odd. Ahn-Crop Champion seems weak, even though it does help combat enchantment-removal by being a creature version of Radiant Destiny. Ashes of the Abhorrent is only good against Torrential Gearhulk since it also hurts your own angels. Engineered Might I already mention, and lastly Restoration Specialist seems bad. I get the idea, but you might as well just run some more of the enchantments you want back from the graveyard, and it's not a human nor a warrior.

The deck has improved greatly already, so great job! I hope my suggestions are less of an annoyance than a help, I know my comments tend to be on the long side ;)

HeavyR on Selesnya Exertion

6 years ago

I feel like Shaper's Sanctuary and Blossoming Defense are counter intuitive. They're both green 1CMC plays, but if you give something hexproof, it wont trigger the sanctuary. If you're only using it as a means to protect your Vizier of Deferment or Angel of Sanctions, or to push through fatal damage, then it is perfect. I've found that most Tribal strategies are much more susceptible to wrath and non-targeting effects such as Settle the Wreckage or Bontu's last Reckoning. This is especially apparent games 2-3 with sideboard swaps. Which brings up another point on Heroic Intervention, which is how badly situational it is.

Getting 1 for 1'd is ok and the draw from Sanctuary makes it tolerable. You're running so many enchantments mainboard, it is very likely people bring in all their enchantment destruction game 2. This is when you side more Blossoming Defense in as a combat trick for the Sanctuaries or other enchantments.

Heroic intervention is only really good against Fumigate and Bontu's reckoning, as far as standard goes currently. It does not help with Yahenni's Expertise, Golden Demise, Settle the Wreckage, Sweltering Suns, Vona's Hunger, or River's Rebuke.

Mainboard, i think Authority of the Consuls fits your deck's style, since you want those lanes open to get in damage as fast and early as possible.

Overall I would drop the Interventions and a radiant destiny and Monument to make room.Maybe 3 Sanctuaries, and 3 Authority's to give you solid # of turn 1 permenants. This will also help bring your average CMC down so you dont have to add an extra land(which i would suggest overall b/c 5drop fliers).

Engineered Might could be another Win-Con for you in this specific color pair, but Rhonas is the engine you really need post sideboard to push damage through.

djnewellmit on Counter Token

6 years ago

This deck reminds me of some of my early decks - I wanted to play all my good cards, regardless of how big my deck was. If you are playing this deck casually with friends, then that's fine. But this deck probably shouldn't have the "competitive" tag.

Looking through your description, you almost have two entire decks in your build - a WB tokens, and a GB -1/-1 counters. However, I think there is potential with what you are trying to do with Anointed Procession + Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons + Nest of Scarabs .

Focusing on the -1/-1 counters, then tokens, let's go through some of your creatures. Channeler Initiate will give you a better interaction with your combo; I recommend swapping out Rishkar, Peema Renegade for the Initiates. You currently have 11 creatures with converted casting cost of 5 or more; Decimator Beetle supports the -1/-1 strategy, and the other three all support a "go wide" strategy by pumping all your tokens. For a start, I would drop the 2x Bellowing Aegisaur, then probably go down to only 3 each of the Angel and the Beetle. Encampment Keeper is a NO in my opinion. Sacred Cat gives you an early game one-drop, gains you one or two life, then comes back double later once you have your Anointed Procession.

For your non-creatures, drop Shed Weakness, Dowsing Dagger  Flip, and Engineered Might. Appeal and Driven are very good choices in your deck. Grind seems like a nice choice that supports the -1/-1 strategy very well. Liliana may just be getting greedy; she can probably go. Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip doesn't really have a big payoff for all the mana it will produce; it's kind of a "win more" card in here. Also, Oath of Ajani supports the "go wide" strategy, but it doesn't work well with the main combo, so I would drop it too.

Kizmetto on RGW

6 years ago

Growing Rites of Itlimoc or New Horizons for more rampy? I'd drop white all together for this deck. I think you're running too man high curves, even when cheating out from Champion of Rhonas, what about some Dowsing Dagger too for sweet flip land? I'd drop 2 Thundering Spineback and 2 Verdant Sun's Avatar for the Growing Rites of Itlimoc and drop Onward / Victory for 3 New Horizons. Drop 2 Engineered Might for Larger Than Life , Crash the Ramparts or Overcome perhaps. I think you could substitute Pyramid of the Pantheon for Dowsing Dagger and have you considered the buddylands? Rootbound Crag would speed it up! I'd drop 2 Sheltered Thicket for it. Drover of the Mighty is a better upgrade than Naga Vitalist.

Cultivator's Caravan might fit here.

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