Blastfire Bolt

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blastfire Bolt


Blastfire Bolt deals 5 damage to target creature. Destroy all Equipment attached to that creature.

Stardragon on Looking for Win cons and …

5 years ago

All the cards pskinn01 says are great here are some more

Mission Briefing - basically give you a Scry 2 (in a different form) and flashback for any instant or sorcery

Turn to Frog - Great way to get rid of those annoying 10 power or 12 toughness creatures or those that are indestructible. Plus just being able to things into frogs are fun

Deep Freeze - Similar to Turn to Frog but it becomes a 0/4 wall instread of a 0/1 frog however it until the aura leaves the creature instead of until the end of the turn

The Mirari Conjecture Ik its not an instant or sorcery but it really good two flashback and a copyinstant or sorcery spell as actually won me games

Summary Dismissal - Board wipe for Blue

Mystic Confluence - Great Utility

Sinister Sabotage - Counterspell with Scry 1 (in a different form) sure why not?

Cryptic Command - Again Nice Utility

Frantic Search - A free draw power card

Disallow - An extremely powerful counter spell

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner - Not a instant, sorcery or wizard but free counter once each turn per creature yes please.

Aether Gale - a different version of Cyclonic Rift many forgot about this card

Rewind - A free counter spell

Counterspell -Every blue deck has it

Mana Drain -If you have it or can afford/willing to buy cough up the money for it.

Pull from Tomorrow -My favorite draw spell

As Foretold - A slower Omniscience actually wont draw you as much aggro as fast

Omniscience - Play whatever you want for free with no drawbacks other than the big target your painting on your back

Starstorm , Star of Extinction , Anger of the Gods or Hour of Devastation - All great Red board wipes

Burn from Within - Deals with pesky indestructible

Keranos, God of Storms - Again not a Instant, Sorcery or wizard but a potentially free Lightning Bolt each turn why not?

Thousand-Year Storm - same as the last effect of The Mirari Conjecture only it stays around

Blastfire Bolt - 5 damage and equipment destruction

Chemister's Trick - Could save your life if backed into a corner or could back your opponent in one.

Countervailing Winds - If you have a lot of cheap cards that makes this card super nice but i would save this card for the opponents big play as the opponent either loses the card or has to waste the rest of their to save it leaving you able to counter attack next if you survive.

Fissure and Crush -Red kills spells

Firemind's Foresight - Search spell for instants or sorcery spells

Hornswoggle and Spell Swindle - Counterspells that give you one time mana dorks yes

Apex of Power a Free cast cards from exile card

Banefire damage that can't be prevented sure

Bonfire of the Damned , Burn at the Stake and Devil's Play -Personal favorites of mine

By Force - a great artifact kill spell

Crack the Earth - well you get hit as well is a quick way to get rid of a pesky card

Rekindled Flame - A burn spell that can potentially come back over ad over again

Reforge the Soul - Need a new hand?

And many more but i don't want this to get to bloated (maybe to late for that.) so i'll end it here. hope these help

alanwescoat on need help getting ready to …

8 years ago

Check out this very cheap deck: Fire Brigade. It was designed for Standard a year ago, but it is much more streamlined than your list.

I am assuming that you are a totally new player. There is nothing wrong with going to a tournament with a cheap deck and losing. That is learning. Just go and prepare to lose every game with the cards you have because this is definitely what is going to happen. In fact, you are basically going to just get stomped with lists like your. As long as you are okay with that, go play, learn, and enjoy.

For the Burn deck, first of all, get rid of Wind-Scarred Crag and Evolving Wilds. Replace all of them with Mountain. If you were thinking that the lifegain wold help you, it will not. The land coming into play tapped is not worth the lifegain, and you have no need for white mana.

Blastfire Bolt is just bad. You will never hit your sixth land drop to play it, and it only targets creatures, not players. There must be at least fifty burn cards in Modern which are better than this card. Even a card like Collateral Damage works better.

Compare Brute Strength in your deck with Titan's Strength.

Burn typically uses Raging Goblin, Monastery Swiftspear, Grim Lavamancer, and Eidolon of the Great Revel as the only creatures.

Goblins can be a great deck with the right goblins, but you usually play a lot of goblins with a little burn. There is nothing wrong with Goblin Piledriver or Goblin Rabblemaster, and they work well together, but your goblin count is low. Cheap solutions could include cards like Dragon Fodder, Krenko's Command, and Hordeling Outburst. Foundry Street Denizen is also a great goblin. Even Raging Goblin is better than Goblin Roughrider.

I am considering adding Reckless Bushwhacker to my goblins deck but only after 4x Goblin Bushwhacker, which is definitely a better card.

A sad fact about M.T.G. is that you cannot just go buy a few packs and be able to build a halfway-decent deck even for Standard. It gets much worse with Modern. I have nearly complete playsets of all common and uncommon cards from Guildpact on up and a whole lot from Mirrodin block and Kamigawa block, yet I still find myself searching for and paying for rares and mythics to be competitive. That is, I have about 85% of all commons and uncommons available in Modern, yet I still find myself regularly needing rares and mythics I do not have to finish decks.

As you learn, you will learn about the archetypes, and you will gradually have money to build your collection. Burn is always the cheapest, and once you have good Modern Burn, it can easily be converted to Legacy. With the sheer quantity of Lightning Bolt which have been printed over the years, the price of the card is stupidly high, but you will never regret having them. They are staples, things you just need in your M.T.G. collection.

Right now is the time to pick up Monastery Swiftspear as they are rotating out of Standard. They are not going to go down much if at all. They are used in Standard, Modern, and Legacy. The card will never not be good. You will get more play value out of plunking down the cash for the one card than you will out of cracking most packs.

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