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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Each player's life total becomes the number of creatures he or she controls.

psionictemplar on What's your dream play?

1 year ago

Casting Biorhythm to kill a control player.

nbarry223 on Best Fae of Wishes Targets?

1 year ago

Great suggestions so far!

I really like Biorhythm as a sneaky wincon (going to keep it in mind in all future games I play, to see how often it would come up). Shark Typhoon is essentially a tutorable creature that you can sink mana into worst case, while also being a card you could build a deck around. Ensnaring Bridge is something I haven't considered surprisingly, but realistically the deck I run this in usually has too many cards in hand, so I couldn't use it as an out as easily as Worship could be used.

It's really funny you mentioned Karn, the Great Creator and Glittering Wish because I transitioned from Glittering Wish to Fae of Wishes, and actually ran Karn, the Great Creator for a little bit too. In my deck, Mosswort Bridge doesn't care about CMC and lets me cast the adventure mode free, and Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip (it has upsides with Mosswort Bridge over other lands) feels much better hitting Fae of Wishes instead of Glittering Wish, so there's a fair bit of upside for this option over the other wishes.

Unfortunately, Fae of Wishes says noncreature, so 2/3 of those don't work. I'd also want something with more impact than Tormod's Crypt, like Rest in Peace, when you consider the opportunity cost of the wish. Free cards are good, don't get me wrong, but they need to be worth Fae of Wishes initial cost to even be considered. For example, Force of Vigor is a valid option.

sylvannos on Mana Crypt is bad

1 year ago

@KL185: I'm pointing out some of the obvious applications to having cheap, fast artifact mana. Going land -> Mana Crypt -> Trinisphere means you get to keep playing Magic while your opponent sits around doing nothing for three turns while you set up a Wasteland/Strip Mine + Crucible of Worlds lock. Mana Crypt was a $100 card long before EDH was a thing, where it could only be played in Vintage.

@Tryptic: Honestly, I agree about EDH's banlist being complete garbage. All of the format's problems stem from the availability of fast mana and tutors. Prismatic had the right idea where it banned fast mana like Mana Crypt and Sol Ring, tutors (ranging from Mystical Teachings to Demonic Tutor), and then any other degenerate cards like Memory Jar, Necropotence, Yawgmoth's Will, or Gush.

There's a reason the format was able to have whacky decks with 4x Darksteel Colossus and 4x Akroma, Angel of Wrath be viable. The only cards that were specifically a problem for the format were things like Sundering Titan and Battle of Wits (both banned). Cards like Biorhythm weren't a problem because it played more like conventional Magic. If you can cast an 8 mana spell, you SHOULD be winning the game.

fadelightningmm on What ONE card would you …

1 year ago

Biorhythm it doesn’t seem super busted and I’d love to play it

fadelightningmm on Questioning the Iona Banning

2 years ago

Welcome to the RC doesn’t know how to make a ban list. There’s a number of videos on YouTube and podcasts that support that conclusion. There’s no reason Coalition Victory victory should be banned. There’s no reason Biorhythm should be banned when Shaman of Forgotten Ways exists. Prophet of Kruphix shouldn’t be banned for “warping the entire gameplay around it” when Dockside Extortionist does that now and has eluded bans.

The RC picks hills they are willing to die on to “prevent problematic play patterns”. They ban certain cards so that players see the type of card that leads to problematic play hoping players won’t play similar cards instead of banning the cards outright. Showcase bannings and rule 0 allow you and your play group to create the rules to the format you like.

plakjekaas on Unbanning Biorhythm?

2 years ago

Ban Cyclonic Rift when you unban Biorhythm, just like Golos, Tireless Pilgrim was banned along with unbanning Worldfire. So the ubiquitous asymmetrical boardwipe at instant speed doesn't curve right into the win

fadelightningmm on Unbanning Biorhythm?

2 years ago

Biorhythm would be fine in commander as many have mentioned it cost 8 mana which is a huge investment. While I think Worldfire will be fine in the format after the initial hype dies down I do feel like it would lead to more feel bads in play.

I imagine worst case scenario with WF is that someone is in a losing position and casts WF hoping to out luck their opponents potentially stalling the game for several minutes without any real progress. Best case after WF is cast they get the quick win that turn. Worst case for biorhythm is that they cause the game to draw after a boardwipe. Best case scenario it wins the game after played. Honestly, with the ideal scenarios for both being equal it comes down to how you would rather a game end in worse case scenarios. Personally, I’d rather have a draw so I can shuffle up for a new game rather than run the gambit of whose top deck is best.

The only major argument I can see against biorhythm is that it basically becomes an auto include in a ton of creature decks whilst WF will likely only see play in certain combo decks or trolly chaos decke

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