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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Each player chooses a number of lands they control equal to the number of lands controlled by the player who controls the fewest, then sacrifices the rest. Players discard cards and sacrifice creatures the same way.

jethstriker on Has WotC Been Doing a …

5 months ago

I think some players are misled by the belief that the only true form of card advantage are by direct card drawing. Cards like Wrath of God, Balance, Armageddon, and Land Tax can create card advantage if rightfully used or abused. And they all exist almost right from the beginning of the game. You just have to widen your perspective that card advantage comes in different forms, not just card drawing.

SufferFromEDHD on Numot: Leave. Everything. Destroyed.

7 months ago

I really tried to build this without creatures but Lavinia "can't" was designed with this strategy in mind. I feel the same about Balance but it has been banned since day 1. The creature version seems worth it. Time will tell.

TheOfficialCreator on How is Camaraderie a Bend?

1 year ago

I do think Commander sets will and should have a larger number of breaks.

Same with the Horizons sets, honestly, but most of Horizons is more about pushing old abilities in new ways or adding incredibly powerful new cards to the format. This lends itself well to color pie bends, but if Horizons sets started coming out more often I would not want a higher proportion of color pie bends in them. Honestly, I prefer cards like Mystic Redaction in Modern Horizons sets over cards like Deepwood Denizen.

It has to be said however that the Horizons sets have fewer color pie breaks because it caters to a format built more strictly on the color pie. If we had a Vintage Horizons, it would have more color pie breaks because that's what Vintage has, similar to how Commander sets print reverse-Balance-like card advantage in white and enchantment removal in black (I personally dislike the latter, but I believe there does need to be a tertiary color for enchantment removal and black is the least bad choice). Modern doesn't have that precedent to live up to, so its special sets also don't print a large number of those cards.

KibaAlpha on What ONE card would you …

1 year ago

Balance I'm okay drawing hate in my playgroup devastating greens land ramp, blues card draw and all the elves and tokens.

TotesMcGoats on Wizzardrix (Kwain, Itinerant Meddler)

2 years ago

philesposito007 Oath of Lieges is best when it comes down early to accelerate the whole game faster. There's almost always going to be at least 1 green player whos casting some kind of land ramp spell early on, so once one player gets ahead and gets an extra land, then hits their land drop, now they're ahead of the NEXT person and so on. I like it because it helps balance the game without being... yknow Balance. Its not always going to do anything, but when everyone's drawing so many cards from you, people should be hitting land drops and if anyone pulls ahead, everyone else gets to take advantage from it. I also try to run as many basics as possible since we're only a 2 color deck anyway, duals just aren't very necessary and utility lands are way more important.

Jace's Archivist is a card that in my experience rarely survives a turn around the table, so I've stop playing it. Thassa's Oracle I'm still considering because I'm not sure if I want to make the deck geared more toward being fun and casual or toward actually winning.

wereotter on Mono White Ramp/Draw

2 years ago

I think white doesn't need to find a way to copy every other color with more ramp and draw. Colors need to be able to balance each other out, and rather than allow white to do the same thing, I think white should stick to its flavor of being the color that forces people to play "fair" magic.

To that end, I think Balance should be unbanned and we need more cards like it. Force that green-white deck that's been drawing its whole deck and putting down 4 lands per turn to be back on the same page as everyone else. I also think they need to expand this. Maybe a white enchantment that says something like "If a land would enter the battlefield, and it wasn't the first land that player played from their hand this turn, exile it instead" and one that say "Players can't draw more than one card per turn" Make these effects universal so decks containing white can't abuse cards like Collective Voyage or wheel effects.

Guerric on State of Mono-Colored Decks in …

3 years ago

metalflame and plakjekaas I'm not saying that white can't do strong things, it certainly can! When I've made white decks they've pulled off some epic wins, and the tutoring in white is underrated, which helps with those wins. And yes TriusMalarky, it does have good hate-bears effects, and those are stronger in mono-white because they aren't competing too much for space with other cards. That being said, the lack of synergistic and consistent card draw is a problem. Part of this is that they haven't settled on a direction for it. So a couple of cards will draw for equipment, two will draw for weenie creatures, one will draw for life gain, another when people attack you, but these strategies don't always work together without losing focus. I don't necessarily need a fat hand, but its hard to imagine that anyone enjoys doing nothing but top-decking each turn, and when you're always top-decking your don't have the options for dealing with what your opponents throw at you. In all honesty, Rhystic Study had no business ever being in blue since white is the death and taxes color, and they really should just start doing white effects like this to provide draw while being true to the color. And I agree, Peoyogon that Balance should be legal, and I personally am not adverse to using Armageddon if I am in a winning position in order to keep my opponents from making a come back while I'm ahead. Now, if they fixed card draw and made some good commanders, I think RNR_Gaming is right that white would still be 75% of the power-level of multi-colored deck in regular commander, but it at least wouldn't be so far behind the other color combinations!

EnbyGolem on State of Mono-Colored Decks in …

3 years ago

I think the answer to this was already hinted at: it is really determined by what play experience lens you are looking through.

As mentioned above, CEDH finds plenty of power in mono decks; I can attest that jank fun is always widely available and equal in any color combination. It seems that the biggest discrepancy lies within the higher thresholds of 'casual' groups, where decks are powerful but also where some color's most powerful abilities are barred under social contracts. In my observation, this is where green and blue elements (prosocial or neutral-social effects like card draw and ramp) flourish because their foils (oftentimes found in red and white like MLD, hate effects, and hard-lock combos) are not able to punish and balance the table. Litterally. If Balance were legal and those type of effects more often run, I think that Mono White in particular would be a very strong color indeed - it's just not able to fill that role while also existing in the weird psudocompetive-but-still-casual world that many EDH players build around.

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