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Femme_Fatale on Small Update: New Formats, New …

4 weeks ago

A small update today. The two new formats are Dandan and Judge's Tower. The new hub is "Shared Deck".

Both Dandan and Judge's Tower are casual centric formats with no deckbuilding requirements, rules or restrictions. They center their gameplay around all players drawing and playing their cards from a central deck. No other deck is included.


Dandan is a 1v1 format spurred on from the card of the same name Dandan. Traditionally the deck's only wincon was Dandan and both players fought to find it first and be the one to control it. In a sense, the spirit of the format is creating new and interesting interactions when there is only one deck and both players are striving for the same win condition(s).

Judge's Tower

Judge's Tower many of you will probably be more familiar with. It is a multiplayer format focused around testing each player's knowledge of the game rules. A player will lose the game if they fail to make a correct play or miss a triggered ability, PROVIDED that another player called them out on their missplay or missed trigger. If they player that did the calling out was themselves wrong, then they lose instead. The cards in a Judge's Tower deck are chosen because they interact with the rules in a unique way or cause the player to be constantly focusing on when they can use an ability. There are various versions of how this works but players typically have infinite life and infinite mana. All cards must be played if able as soon as possible and if you can activate an ability of a card you must do so.

Shared Deck

As for the hub, "Shared Deck" is exactly what both Dandan and Judge's Tower are. However if you want to make one of these decks in a constructed format, the Shared Deck hub will let you label that constructed deck as Dandan or Judge's Tower. This hub will also encompass any future formats that utilize a singular shared deck across all players.