Will Vildin-Pack Alpha + Maskwood Nexus let the new praetors flip once they enter

Asked by nahdog 1 year ago

Jin-Gitaxias  Flip is an example of the new cards with sagas on the back. Maskwood Nexus + Vildin-Pack Alpha should let it enter then transform it so it would have no saga counters. Satsuki, the Living Lore should let me add saga counters, then using something to untap it Umbral Mantle and nine mana would let it complete the saga and then flicker back as Jin-Gitaxias  Flip and flip again. is there any reason this would not work?

Yesterday says... Accepted answer #1

Yeah, that works.

As you've noted, because it's not entering the battlefield as a Saga like the card is designed to do, it won't have any counters when it does. This isn't a problem like it was for the flip walkers like Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh  Flip that would just die immediately as a result. If you don't have anything set up to immediately give it lore counters, you can still just wait until your next precombat main phase to add the first one.

April 1, 2023 6:50 a.m.

wallisface says... #2

This works, but its even easier than you've described.

Having Maskwood Nexus + Vildin-Pack Alpha and then playing Jin-Gitaxias  Flip would have Jin-Gitaxias flip immediately, but the saga will enter with 1 counter on it (as all sagas do).

This means you'd only need 3 mana on Umbral Mantle to complete the saga with Satsuki, the Living Lore, as you'll only need to untap Satsuki once (Jin-Gitaxias flips and starts on 1 counter, Satsuki ticks it up to 2, Mantle lets you untap Satsuki which can then tick your saga up to 3 and complete it).

As soon as the Saga is completed, it will flip back to Jin-Gitaxias, and then immediately flip back to its saga side with 1 counter on it again.

April 2, 2023 3:31 a.m.

Yesterday says... #3

That is incorrect. Sagas enter the battlefield with a lore counter on them only if they are a Saga as they enter the battlefield. Jin-Gitaxias  Flip does not enter the battlefield with a lore counter on it. Causing it to transform does not put a lore counter on it. This is why Jin's ability exiles it and returns it transformed; it enters the battlefield as a Saga when you do (and so enters with a lore counter).

April 2, 2023 7 a.m.

wallisface says... #4

Yesterday ahh yeah good catch my bad.

April 2, 2023 3:19 p.m.

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