Wild Slash?

Asked by RonnieK 9 years ago

Hi guys, quick question.

Does Wild Slash make all your creatures un-blockable for the turn?

Because it says 'damage can't be prevented,' wouldn't a creature trying to do damage make it un-preventable and un-blockable? Assuming you have a creature with power 4 or greater.

Or does this only apply to spells like Crater's Claws and Bathe in Dragonfire?

I haven't seen Wild Slash used in many decks, which leads me to think I'm missing something... But if it does make creatures un-blockable. I just stumbled upon a GEM for my deck.

Side question: Anyone happen to know of a card that does exactly what Gods Willing does... Just for Green or Red?


Kozelek says... #1

No and no. Wild Slash makes it where damage can't be prevented has nothing to do with blocking, your creatures can still be blocked but things that prevent damage (like say Fog) have no effect. As for protection from the color of your choice that is a only thing that's like asking for an Overrun in or a Banefire in

March 15, 2015 3:18 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #2

Magic is based on technical, narrow use of specific terms. As such, the game's language differs from common use in some ways. "Prevent" is one of those terms.

Prevention effects are a specific kind of replacement effect that replace damage events with something else. For example, Deflecting Palm prevents damage and then deals an amount of damage to something else. Protection prevents damage that would be dealt to the protected object by a source with the specified characteristic.

Blocking doesn't prevent damage at all (although the end result is that damage won't be dealt to the defending player, the damage hasn't been prevented by a prevention effect). Wild Slash has no interaction with blocking, except that protection will no longer prevent combat (or any other kind of) damage.

March 15, 2015 3:20 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #3

Also, the Q&A is for rules questions only. It is not the place to ask about cards like X or cards that do Y.

March 15, 2015 3:21 p.m.

RonnieK says... #4

Thanks guys. Found Barrage of Boulders and Blinding Flare that do exactly what I'm looking for.

March 15, 2015 3:25 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #5

Do not select your own answer as the accepted answer, especially if it doesn't even answer the question.

March 15, 2015 5:51 p.m.

RonnieK says... #6

Do you just go around and put people down as the admin? You're very rude and forward on everyone's questions Lol.

March 15, 2015 7:16 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #7

Nothing I've said thus far is rude. If you think otherwise, you're welcome to point it out. But don't mistake forwardness for rudeness.

March 15, 2015 7:19 p.m.

RonnieK says... #8

Gotta be automated.... Check that. I hope you're automated Lol

March 15, 2015 7:27 p.m.

Kozelek says... #9

Don't worry about him RonnieK he is rude to me all the time I've just learned that is who he is and ignore him. There was about a week where no matter what I said on any deck or thread he would come on and contradict whatever I said

March 15, 2015 7:31 p.m.

RonnieK says... #10

Kozelek It's cool to give answers to questions, suggest opinions or give feedback when asked. But there's a polite chill way to do it, then there's the douche way to do it.

March 15, 2015 7:34 p.m.

Again, if you think I'm rude, you're welcome to point it out.

And I don't go out of my way to tell people they're wrong if they aren't. If you're wrong about something, especially in the Q&A, I'll point it out and offer a correct explanation. If you're not, I'm not going to waste my time creating a problem to solve.

March 15, 2015 7:34 p.m.

Kozelek says... #12

Hmmm so how was I wrong in my answer to his question?

March 15, 2015 7:38 p.m.

RonnieK says... #13

You sound like one of those guys who just holds himself to a higher podium then everyone else. If you feel like you're wasting your time. Why are you still commenting? You're repeating what you've already said.

March 15, 2015 7:38 p.m.

March 15, 2015 7:41 p.m.

@kozilek: At no point did I ever say that your answer to this question was wrong.

@RonnieK: I'll point out that "holding oneself to a higher podium" is a conflation of two different phrases. I disagree with the point you're trying to make, though. And at no point did I say this was a waste of my time.

I'm still commenting because if there's a legitimate issue, I'm interested in fixing it. Clearly you feel wronged somehow, but I can't do anything for you if all you're going to tell me is that you think I'm rude. That doesn't get us anywhere.

March 15, 2015 7:42 p.m.

RonnieK says... #16

March 15, 2015 7:44 p.m.

@RonnieK: I know I wasn't part of this discussion to begin with, but it seems some outside opinions are required here.

People come to the Q&A section to find answers to their questions. Google searches often provide links to this forum. because of that, a selected answer needs to be one that answers the question in the most complete way possible. this is for the benefit of everyone. Epochalyptik was forward in his telling you not to select an incomplete (or non existent) answer to a question, but no where in there, in my opinion, was he rude (and, if I may say so, it seems that you do not really think he was rude, as you did not point out any "rudeness" when asked). that being said, if you still think he was rude, please explain how so the issue can be resolved

March 15, 2015 11:15 p.m.

RonnieK says... #18

I like how I keep putting kozilek's answer as the accepted, and he keeps changing it so he can have the accepted answer. Even though he clearly wasn't first to answer HAHA. It's pretty sad when the admin's just overrule everyone here, with no regard or conversation with the person who asks the question in the first place.

March 16, 2015 7:03 a.m.

Being first is irrelevant. I select the most complete and correct answer as the marked one. If that happened to be his, I would select that one.

March 16, 2015 10:06 a.m.

RonnieK says... #20

Why are YOU selecting the answer to MY question? Haha

March 16, 2015 10:09 a.m.

Because I manage this section of the site.

March 16, 2015 10:36 a.m.

@RonnieK: please refer to my earlier post. the most complete answer needs to be selected for the sake of all those that come to this question in the future. it doesn't matter who was first. that should have nothing to do with how you select an answer. If you think Epochalyptik's answer was insufficient, then please explain how, or at least why, you think Kozelek had a better answer

March 16, 2015 12:37 p.m.

Kozelek says... #23

Well let's see not only did I answer BOTH questions I did so in a short (and easy to understand) way. So I do not see how my answer was any less valid than Epochs and in fact mine IS better because I DID answer BOTH questions without being condescending or the air of superiority, but epoch will undoubtedly say something that (he feels anyway) will make his answer somehow more valid than mine, and like I've said other places it don't mater what I say he is going to say I'm wrong and he is right so whatever

March 16, 2015 1:16 p.m.

@ Epochalyptik is just very abrupt. Not at any point was anything rude or condescending. The fact that he is continually being berated here has probably put him on the defensive however and I think a group hug is in order. Just a bear hug (Or a goyf one if your into that sort of thing) and let's move on with our lives. There are more important things in life than who's answer is accepted. Epoch's answer has more detail, therefore it is the accepted one. While Kozelek's answer is not wrong, Epoch explained it more fully.

March 16, 2015 1:38 p.m.

with all due respect, Kozelek, it does not matter if you think your answer is better. the fact of the matter is that your answer was very simple, and as such it lacked a certain amount of depth and detail. this is obviously just my opinion, and seemingly that of the others that commented (although I wont speak for them).

Epoch goes through this area of the site to make sure selected answers are the best answer provided. sometimes it is his answer, as in this case, but often times it isn't. your answer was correct, and your help provided to the OP is appreciated. Epoch's answer was, however, more in depth, which is important fort those who come to this section looking for the most complete answer possible.

Again, I am not saying there is something inherently wrong with your answer, just that Epoch's was more detailed, which I think you could agree with

March 16, 2015 3:14 p.m.

dagan94 says... #26

Sorry, but Kozelek is someone who's helped me out on a few decks and I happened to come across this thread and figured I'd add to the discussion.

First off Epoch gave a more complete answer to the question that does more fully explain the question. I feel it could've been put in better layman terms it suffices as long as the question is answered.

With that said I have something to say regarding the debate on this thread over was Epochalyptik rude. For a cop out I'd have to say no, he was not rude. He was blunt. Being blunt is not necessarily rude, but can be interpreted as such for very good reason. Let me give you an example from a looong time ago in my life cause I like to ramble. I once knew a girl from my middle school who I thought hated my guts and couldn't figure out why. She would ask me things like why I was so hairy and didn't shave in gym, tell me I had unattractive eyes, and say I was a weird book worm. At the time I saw it as rude and she did it in public so my bullies jumped on that with glee. She then the next day after saying one of those things asked me on a date.

Now I have a point in all this. You don't tell people they make an ugly couple, you don't tell someone you think they look like a frog. Now mind you Epoch wasn't quite on this level of being blunt, but typically any amount can be portrayed as rude if not carefully moderated. Epoch, I'm going to take one of your earlier comments, specifically comment #5. You were blunt, and if it was a computer generated text no it wouldn't be taken as rude. However we know there is a human behind that monitor, and so here are the social queues you accidentally send. You don't direct the comment at Kozelek, whom it is clearly for. You may want everyone to understand the fact, but by saying it without direction it appears passive aggressive. There is no please, no "oh by the way keep in mind not to check yourself as the accepted answer until you're positive it answers the question fully." This makes you seem condescending, like it's an order. Maybe you intend it as an order, but this is ultimately a casual forum for a game, you have to make people want to cooperate if you feel they overstepped or made a mistake, not order them to stop.

Being blunt is simply not always appropriate. Showing courtesy, modesty, and respect to other people when using chats, e-mails, etc. is of vital importance when people can't read your tone of voice. Furthermore Kozelek feels like he's hated. People's emotions don't lie, even if you don't feel the same why. Because of this trying to excuse your behavior or pass over it even when paired with a "sorry" makes it appear insincere and more like you don't care, and maybe you don't. This is the internet after all, many of us will never meet. Even so it wouldn't be a bad idea to actually apologize for coming across as rude. You don't need to explain it wasn't your intention. Don't need to review your comment to make sure you weren't and then say it wasn't rude. This does more to make those points come across than trying to justify yourself.

... God do I talk too much, Imma go make me a sammich. Peace!

March 16, 2015 8:44 p.m.

@dagan94: Post #5 isn't directed at Kozelek at all. Only the OP or an admin/mod can select an answer. This isn't Kozelek's question, so it would follow that he can't select the answer. Post #4 was originally marked as the accepted answer.

I'll accept the criticism that some things could be worded less bluntly. I'll work on that in the future. There are often times when 90% of my time on the site on any given day is spent moving threads, correcting user errors, or otherwise performing community maintenance, and I admit that I begin to lose patience at times. I like to think that my responses don't come across as rude, but I'll give it a more conscious effort.

Regarding the last point, you're free to believe whatever you like. This is far from the first time it's been suggested that I have some kind of vendetta against Kozelek. While I'd obviously like for it to be accepted that that isn't the case, I've grown tired of continually asking for an honest review. I'm all for constructive criticism or suggestions on how to better the site or the way I manage it, if they're provided. I'm here as your friend if you'd like me to be, but my job is to make sure that things are done properly. That's ultimately what it comes down to.

March 16, 2015 9:30 p.m.

RonnieK says... #28

Most entertaining thread I've ever been apart of, haha.

That said. I've seen your past threads bro. You constantly get into these arguing matches. You should realize that it's not everyone bro. It's you. Go chill and watch TV or something.

March 16, 2015 9:36 p.m.

RonnieK says... #29

Well apparently you can't delete threads, but you can unsubscribe? I'll talk to you folks later. Have fun with your discussion!

March 16, 2015 9:40 p.m.

@RonnieK: You're welcome to link to some examples if you want to put forth something constructive.

March 16, 2015 9:41 p.m.

March 16, 2015 9:41 p.m.

RonnieK says... #32

Here we go again! Stop tagging me bro. I have no interest in talking to you.

March 16, 2015 9:49 p.m.

xzzane says... #33

Ronnie, it's not Epoch. I've never once seen Epoch be rude or condescending to anyone on this site, including kozilek. He is blunt, but that's the nature of the beast. He does so much work for this site, especially in the q&a section, so its unsurprising that he is more blunt, as it gets the point across sooner.

March 17, 2015 12:18 a.m.

dagan94 says... #34

@ Epochalyptik honestly I stick normally to the EDH decks so I'm not sure on how long things have been a problem (and how the accepted answer was chosen haha) Just thought it was a shame for there to be irritation towards you when from what I thought it was more lack of tact than anything and was trying to see if I could help ease the tension, but from what I'm seeing you spend a lot of time on the forums and I understand getting impatient especially considering every post I have seen of yours has been very well thought out and explanatory despite the limited time you have, so taking the time to put in "atta boy" would be difficult.

@RonnieK I'm a trolololol!!!! Just messing with you on the tag, but I'll make up by checking out your profile and seeing if you got any decks I like or can help with.

March 17, 2015 7:13 a.m.

This discussion has been closed