When is power checked for Unified Strike?

Asked by vic 1 year ago

I have two Soldiers in play and am holding a Unified Strike. My opponent attacks with an Oona's Blackguard and controls a Stinkdrinker Bandit, which does not attack.

Can I exile the Oona's with my instant before she hits me?

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

I feel like the question you're really asking is a little different than the one in the title. To answer the question in the body of your post: You have until Stinkdrinker Bandit's ability resolves to cast Unified Strike and get what you want. When Oona's Blackguard is declared as an attacker, it's an "attacking creature" and can be targeted by Unified Strike. Stinkdrinker Bandit's ability waits to trigger until after blockers are declared, at which point the Blackguard will be "attacking and unblocked" if no creatures are assigned to block it. You can still respond to the Bandit's trigger after it's put onto the stack but before it resolves and increases the Blackguard's power. If you wait until after the Bandit's trigger resolves, you can still cast Strike on the Blackguard (it can target any attacking creature) but it won't do anything.

To answer the question in the title: The power is checked as Unified Strike resolves. The way it's written means it can target any attacking creature but only does something if the power is less than or equal to the number of soldiers on the battlefield as it resolves.

December 15, 2022 10:31 a.m.

vic says... #2

Rhadamanthus Great answer. Thanks! Yes, Bandit's timing is key. It was hard to get my question in the subject line the way I wanted it.

December 16, 2022 3:04 a.m.

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