What P/T has Brotherhood Vertibird using Sydri's ability?

Asked by PieCake 2 months ago

Let's say you control Sydri, Galvanic Genius and an uncrewed Brotherhood Vertibird. You tap an Island to activate Sydri's ability and target the Vertibird. The only artifact you control is the Vertibird.

a.) What P/T does the Vertibird have in this scenario?
b.) What P/T does the Vertibird have, if I decide to crew it with Sydri after using her first ability on Vertibird?

Yesterday says... Accepted answer #1

In both scenarios, the Vertibird will be a 3/3. Vertibird's own static power-defining ability is overwritten by the more recent P/T-defining ability of Sydri. Crewing the vertibird after it is already a creature will not change this; crewing the vehicle doesn't intrinsically cause the vehicle to gain the P/T printed on the card in a way that would override Sydri's ability.

April 11, 2024 9:06 a.m.

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