Tamiyo's sketchbook

Drawing as many cards as I can

Commander / EDH theicesage

What happens with Eye of the Storm and Knowledge Exploitation

Asked by Sathanas 9 years ago

So say I have an Eye of the Storm in play with nothing else under for the sake of this argument. And I cast Knowledge Exploitation which then goes into the Eye and I cast it from there. Which allows me to search an opponents library for an instant or sorcery and cast it does that stolen spell also when cast go under Eye of the Storm?

And can the spell stolen with Knowledge Exploitation be cast at any time or do normal casting rules apply?

Drilnoth says... Accepted answer #1

does that stolen spell also when cast go under Eye of the Storm?

Yes, allowing you to cast the stolen spell, the Knowledge Exploitation, and whatever else may be under the Eye. That's actually a pretty damn fine combo, and one I can't say I've seen before.

And can the spell stolen with Knowledge Exploitation be cast at any time or do normal casting rules apply?

Since Knowledge Exploitation instructs you to cast the stolen spell while Exploitation is resolving, it ignores any timing restrictions otherwise associated with the stolen spell.

May 6, 2015 12:36 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #2

The important part of Eye of the Storm is that it says "cast an instant or sorcery card" and Knowledge Exploitation instructs you to "cast that card" so yes the stolen card would be exiled with Eye of the Storm.

To answer the second question Knowledge Exploitation allows you to cast the card as part of the resolution of the spell and never removes the card from their library. You have a chance to cast the stolen spell when Knowledge Exploitation resolves. If you don't cast it at that point it is still in your opponent's library when it is shuffled.

May 6, 2015 12:41 a.m.

Colten_Lee says... #3

Would this result in you possibly playing every instant and sorcery in your opponents library?

May 6, 2015 9:57 a.m.

enpc says... #4

Colten_Lee: It would allow you to cast as many as you want, yes. Eye of the Storm is a may, not a must, so you can choose if you want Knowledge Exploitation to be cast each time.

May 6, 2015 10:22 a.m.

Colten_Lee says... #5

Well I see a new deck I'm going to build.

May 6, 2015 10:24 a.m.

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