Stack Resolution

Asked by -MisterJ- 9 years ago

This is a fairly straight forward question. Can you respond WHILE the stack is unwinding?

Lets give some example to help understanding of what I mean.

Player 1 controls Brushstrider with a Rubblebelt Maaka and Wildwood Rebirth . Player 1 declares attack. Player 2 declares no blockers. While still in the declare blockers step player 1 activates Rubblebelt Maaka targeting Brushstrider , in response player 2 casts Annihilating Fire targeting the Brushstrider

Now I know player 1 can cast Wildwood Rebirth on the stack to bring back Rubblebelt Maaka to hand, but at that point the stack would have to start resolving. So given that player 1 does in fact do this, and has Rubblebelt Maaka in hand, can player 1 activate its ability to save his creature from exile?

Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #1

The stack does not resolve. Individual items on the stack resolve. When players pass priority without adding to the stack, the topmost object on the stack resolves. Then, players must pass priority again to resolve the next object. At any point while a player has priority, that player may add to the stack.

Player 1 can cast Wildwood Rebirth , return Rubblebelt Maaka to his or her hand when Wildwood Rebirth resolves, and activate Rubblebelt Maaka 's bloodrush ability before the next object on the stack resolves.

August 2, 2014 12:53 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #2

Thank you Epochalyptik for the concise answer. Sorry for the poor choice of words at the end, I'm studying to my level 1 and couldn't find anything directly answering my question in the generic rules.

You're awesome!

August 2, 2014 1:01 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #3

If you are studying for your L1 you may want to use the Comprehensive Rules.

608.1. Each time all players pass in succession, the spell or ability on top of the stack resolves.

August 2, 2014 7:59 a.m.

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