Shrine of Burning Rage and Scour from Existence

Asked by Wyrbak 8 years ago

If I activate my Shrine of Burning Rage and my opponent casts Scour from Existence to get rid of the Shrine, does it still do the damage?

Slythe says... Accepted answer #1

Yes it still does the damage. Also your opponent's spell can't target the Shrine.

The activated ability is in the format "Cost: effect" and so sacrificing the Shrine is part of the cost. Your opponent cannot react to you paying the cost of an ability. When you activate the ability you put the "Deal [charge counter] damage to [target]" effect on the stack as priority passes to your opponent. They can't Scour the shrine since it's not on the battlefield as a legal target, though they're free to do other actions to prevent/redirect damage.

If the shrine's ability instead read "3, T: Sacrifice Shrine of Burning Rage. If you do, deal damage equal to the number of charge counters to target creature or player" then the opponent would be able to Scour it away since sacrificing the shrine is no longer part of the cost, but part of the ability instead.

June 6, 2016 2:38 p.m.

TheRedMage says... #2

That said - abilities exist independently from their sources. So for example even if you tap a Prodigal Sorcerer to ping your opponent, and they Doom Blade it in response, they are still taking one damage.

So basically your Shrine will still do the damage not for one but for two separate reasons :)

June 6, 2016 3:24 p.m. Edited.

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