Runed Halo and Animar interaction

Asked by toechill 8 years ago

Does Runed Halo give me protection Animar, Soul of Elements?

I know Animar is pro-white, therefore I can't target, but as far as the text on the Halo, it never actually targets Animar. It just says name a card. Would this give me protection?

Boza says... Accepted answer #1

Runed halo will give you protection from Animar. Protection concerns the following things, none of which can affect the permanent with protection:


Also known as DEBT. Naming a card is none of those things.

August 12, 2015 5:10 a.m.

TheVectornaut says... #2

I think the simplified question would be: "is naming the same as targeting?" I would assume that the answer is no since a name can apply to multiple permanents whereas a target will only apply to one.

August 12, 2015 5:18 a.m.

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