Proteus Staff with no creatures in library

Asked by FenrisBurgess 5 years ago

  • If I activate the ability of Proteus Staff with a token creature, and there are no creatures in my library, do I:
  • Reveal all the cards in my library and then order them as I see fit?
  • Attempt to reveal cards that don't exist, thus making my turn unending?

There's no ruling on the gatherer, so I must ask it here.

Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1

You reveal your library and then order it as you would like. When parts of a spell or ability resolving are impossible the effect does as much as it can. You reveal cards from your library until you can reveal no more cards. There are no more cards to reveal, so the ability stops trying to reveal them and continues resolving. There was no revealed creature, so the ability doesn't do anything with the revealed creature and keeps resolving. You then order your library in any order you like and the ability is done resolving.

January 19, 2019 10:50 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #3

In the future please remember to "Mark as Answer" (there is a button you can click) a post once you no longer have any questions. Doing so helps keep the Rules Q&A section clutter-free and helps future users quickly identify the correct answer.

Since this has been answered for a couple days and you do not appear to have any follow-up questions, I have gone ahead and marked an answer as accepted on your behalf.

January 25, 2019 1:21 p.m.

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