Path target creature in response to a spell with Orvar out

Asked by Pedrodamus 2 years ago

Scenario: opponent casts Quasiduplicate on his Agent of Treachery with Orvar, the All-Form out. If I Path to Exile the Agent with Quasiduplicate on the stack does he get any copies of Agent? I think if i respond to the Orvar trigger and path Agent then, he doesn't get anything?

Polaris says... Accepted answer #1

You are correct; permanents that have left the battlefield before Orvar's trigger resolves can't be copied by it. This is answered in the rulings on Orvar, the All-Form:

As the first triggered ability tries to resolve, the spell that caused it to trigger and that spell’s targets are checked again. Ignore any target of the spell that has left the battlefield by that point. If all of the permanents you controlled that were targets have left the battlefield by that point, the triggered ability will do nothing and no token will be created. If at least one permanent you control that’s a target is still on the battlefield, the triggered ability will resolve, even if that permanent is now an illegal target for the spell. (2021-02-05)

September 11, 2021 1:26 a.m.

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