Kuldotha forgemaster ability with wurmcoil engine during declare blockers

Asked by RaiJinnski 8 years ago

say 4 Mutavault tried to attack me and i have Wurmcoil Engine Kuldotha Forgemaster and Grim Monolith out, as i block with wurmcoil and forgemaster for 2 mutavaults, then sacrifice 3 artifacts that would be wurmcoil, grim, and forgemaster, i would get 2 3/3 one deathtouch and lfielink, the question is can i still declare blockers at this point? essentially blocking the other 2 mutavaults with the tokens

Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #1


Blockers are declared all at once as a turn-based action at the beginning of the declare blockers step. After declarations, players get priority. You can't go back and add blockers after the declaration, and you won't be able to activate or resolve any abilities during declarations.

June 17, 2015 9:15 p.m.

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