Interaction between Henzie "Toolbox" Torre and First Responder

Asked by CamraMaan 2 years ago

Henzie "Toolbox" Torre and First Responder are in play, and I blitz in Druid of Purification. At the beginning of my end step, can I return Druid of Purification to my hand with First Responder, or is the Henzie trigger going to force it into being sacrificed before it can be returned?

Thanks in advance!

CamraMaan says... #1

And I understand that opting for the First Responder trigger would negate my card draw from the blitz mechanic.

May 16, 2022 7:20 a.m.

Yesterday says... Accepted answer #2

That works. You control both abilities, and they both trigger at the same time so you get to choose in which order they are put onto the stack and resolve. You can choose to have Druid of Purification return to your hand (and forgo the blitz card draw) or you can choose to sacrifice it first.

May 16, 2022 7:40 a.m.

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