I have Esix and Ganax out, with Miirym online. Could someone please walk me through this mess?

Asked by TypicalTimmy 2 years ago

Playtesting my new deck. I have Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm online and I have Esix, Fractal Bloom out as well. I just cast, and resolved, Ganax, Astral Hunter.

I have not, yet, created any tokens this turn for Exis to change.

When Ganax enters the battlefield, several triggers all go off at once. Not in any specific order, and merely stating what is going on, we have the following:

Now, depending on how I resolve these, Esix, Fractal Bloom kicks on. If I create a token copy of Ganax first using Miirym's ability, than Esix would see this non-token copy of Ganax and can turn it into anything else. If I make the non-token copy of Ganax a token copy of Miirym, it would become a legendary token copy and thus state based actions occur, correct?

So in order to prevent that, I'd want Ganax, Astral Hunter to resolve first? I'd get a treasure token. But now the treasure token can become a copy of either Ganax or Miirym, again subjecting them to the state based actions.

So, in this particular example, Esix can't really do anything valuable here, correct?

Followup question:

Once Ganax, Astral Hunter is copied with Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm, I would get a total of 4 treasure tokens - correct? One for OG Ganax, one for Token Ganax, and then OG sees the token, and the token sees OG, thereby giving me 2 more treasure tokens, yes?

Yesterday says... Accepted answer #1

In your first example, if you go to create a Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm token copy of Ganax, Astral Hunter but replace the creation with another Ganax through Esix, Fractal Bloom, the new token copy of Ganax will be legendary, because the "except it isn't legendary" clause was part of the replaced effect, yes.

I wouldn't mind someone else confirming that part though, I'm beginning to doubt myself now.

With only those things on board, it's functionally the same outcome for replacement effects in the second scenario. There won't be a nonlegendary token copy for Esix to choose to have the Treasure become a copy of. Esix only becomes quite valuable in this scenario after you've already created a nonlegendary token copy of a legendary creature via Miirym, or otherwise have a good nonlegendary creature to copy.

In your follow-up, you would actually only get three Treasures. The OG Ganax sees itself and its token copy Enter The Battlefield, but the token copy was created after the OG already entered and wasn't around to have seen the OG ETB.

May 29, 2022 6:10 a.m.

TypicalTimmy says... #2

This deck is absolutely bonkers. I just finished another playtest (not against any players; Just testing to find themes, synergies, combos, curves, etc) and ended Turn 7 with the following:

Along with (according to the screenshot) 58 cards in hand.

I "ended" the turn when I ran out of mana, lolol

May 29, 2022 6:21 a.m. Edited.

Yesterday says... #3

Livin' the dream!

May 29, 2022 1:48 p.m.

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