How does Portcullis interact with enter the battlefield destroy effects?

Asked by scruffythej 9 years ago

I am curious how Portcullis will interact with an enter the battlefield effect that causes another creature to either be destroyed or exiled.

  1. If portcullis is in play and then I play either Diluvian Primordial or Jace's Mindseeker, allowing me to play a card like Doomblade or Murder from my opponents graveyard, will Diluvian Primordial or Jace's Mindseeker stay in because I destroy my opponents creature?

  2. I am assuming that this would be the same for Glimmerpoint Stag or Fiend Hunter, where I cast Glimmerpoint Stag exiling their creature and then mine stays on the battlefield as long as there are only the 2 creatures.

  3. If I pair Diluvian Primordial or Jace's Mindseeker with Deadeye Navigator and my opponenet has a Cancel or something in the graveyard, can I flicker Diluvian Primordial or Jace's Mindseeker to Cancel their spell, even if it is an instant?

erabel says... Accepted answer #1

sigh Please don't repost your whole question like this just to ask a new one, especially when it isn't relevant to the other two questions.

I answered the Portcullis questions on the other ask, so, as for the Deadeye question, yes, that works. Your opponent casts a spell and has a Cancel in their graveyard. In response, you may pay two mana to flicker the dude. If your opponent does nothing else, the creature will leave the battlefield, enter the battlefield, then its ability will trigger. That trigger is placed on the top of the stack, so it will resolve before your opponent's spell. Again, assuming your opponent does nothing else, the trigger resolves, you pick your instant (which will probably be Cancel), and you cast it targeting your opponent's spell, which, again, if nothing else happens, will counter your opponent's original spell.

December 4, 2014 1:17 p.m.

scruffythej says... #2

Hey thanks for the great answer! Sorry about the double post. I thought I would be able to delete the first one, but I couldn't find a way to delete posts.

December 4, 2014 3:12 p.m.

itisme282 says... #3

please choose a correct answer to close the question.

December 4, 2014 3:22 p.m.

This discussion has been closed