Hans Eriksson + Defender Interaction

Asked by AshMount 3 years ago

Building a Hans Eriksson deck and was wondering about the interaction with putting a creature with Defender, say Carven Caryatid into play tapped and attacking. Does Defender override this as it would with declaring a regular attack?

Delphen7 says... Accepted answer #1

Defender only prevents you from declaring the attack in the first place. If its somehow placed onto the field attacking you never declared it as an attacker and it won't be prohibited.

Lets look at Winota, Joiner of Forces rulings for a pertinent example: Any effects that say that the Human can’t attack (such as that of Propaganda, or if you get a Human with defender) affect only the declaration of attackers. They won’t stop the Human you find from entering the battlefield attacking. (2020-04-17)

February 1, 2021 10:35 p.m.

Polaris says... #2

Delphen is correct. This can actually be taken advantage of with certain cards; for example, Kaalia of the Vast decks will run Rakdos the Defiler and use Kaalia's attack trigger to hit the opponent with Rakdos but not sacrifice half their board in the process.

February 1, 2021 11:02 p.m.

AshMount says... #3

Thank you guys that's really awsome! I hadnt considered taking advantage of negative attack triggers with Hans i'll have to try that out

February 1, 2021 11:51 p.m.

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