Generator Servant, how you work?

Asked by Apex_Promethean 9 years ago

Can I use the mana from Generator Servant , to cast Hordeling Outburst and will it give the tokens haste? Also will summoning sickness prevent me from using servant's ability when I first put him down?

GoldGhost012 says... Accepted answer #1

  1. Yes, you may spend the mana from Generator Servant on any spell. However, since Hordeling Outburst is a noncreature spell, the tokens created won't have haste.

  2. Yes. Generator Servant does not have haste, and so he cannot activate his ability the turn he enters the battlefield.

September 23, 2014 11:22 a.m.

GreatSword says... #2

While you can use the mana to cast Hordeling Outburst , the tokens will not get haste. The spell you cast with the mana must be a creature spell; Hordeling Outburst is a Sorcery.

A creature with summoning sickness can't do 2 things: attack, and use activated abilities with the Tap (or Untap) symbol in the cost. You won't be able activate him right away, unless it somehow gained haste.

September 23, 2014 11:24 a.m.

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