Flamespeaker Adept ?

Asked by Not_Sure 8 years ago

When you Scry 2, with a card like Magma Jet, does she get two scry triggers(like +2/+0 for each card scryed) or is it only for each instance Cryptic Annelid being a better example for something that could set her ability off more than once in one card?

Colten_Lee says... Accepted answer #1

9/15/2013 Flamespeaker Adepts ability triggers once for each scry instruction, no matter how many cards youre scrying.

So for each time you're instructed to scry, it'll trigger once regardless of the number.

Cryptic Annelid would cause 3 triggers from 3 separate scrys, i believe.

December 19, 2015 3:35 p.m.

Not_Sure says... #2

Cool, preciate it

December 19, 2015 3:40 p.m.

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