Exiling and Outside of the Game

Asked by FAMOUSWATERMELON 9 years ago

I'm asking this question for the sake of making a custom card, just saying. Anyways:

Let's say my sideboard has 14 cards in it. I play something like Worst Fears, which gets exiled. Can I then play Burning Wish and get it back? Is the number of sideboard cards relevant in this question or not?

Kjartan says... Accepted answer #1

The exile zone is an active zone of the game, which is part of why they changed the name from "removed from the game" to exile.

Burning wish can in casual gameplay according to your own rulings either find a card you own that were never part of that game. Or as in competitive gameplay something from the sideboard. Which burning wish wont be a part of since it's exiled.

May 14, 2015 8:29 p.m.

Deception975 says... #2

Panoptic Mirror + Worst Fears . That will give you the effect you want.

September 5, 2015 7:40 p.m.

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