Draw or Win?

Asked by UpperDeckerTaco 3 years ago

If someone casts Windfall , and I have 99 cards in my hand, is it a draw or a win for the player that casts Windfall , if Windfall caused everyone to draw 99 cards and that exceeded the amount of cards in everyone's deck?

Polaris says... Accepted answer #1

104.3c If a player is required to draw more cards than are left in their library, they draw the remaining cards and then lose the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)

Windfall will cause each player to attempt to draw 99 cards in turn order, decking themselves and causing them to lose. However, players don't lose the game until state-based actions are checked (after Windfall is done resolving). Because of this, all players will lose simultaneously, resulting in a draw.

February 9, 2021 5:05 p.m.

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