Do all the enter the battlefield effects happen at the same time, or sequentially between Emrakul's Hatcher and Genesis Chamber?

Asked by Vaeldrath 5 years ago

Hey! So, a question about how a few things would interact. Say I have Arcane Adaptation on the battlefield, making all my creatures dragons. I also have Dragon Tempest , making all my creatures dragons, and a Genesis Chamber , creating a Myr whenever a non-token creature enters the battlefield.

So, my question comes from this: If I were to cast an Emrakul's Hatcher , it would create 5 creatures in total. The hatcher, the myr, and the three Eldrazi Spawn. Do those all enter at the same time, so each of those 5 would deal 5 damage off of the Dragon Tempest triggers? Or does the hatcher enter first, dealing only one damage assuming no other creatures, followed by the rest? And if the latter, can I control the entering order triggers between the Spawn and the Myr?

nobu_the_bard says... Accepted answer #1

When multiple triggers you control occur from the same event, you can stack them in the order you want.

Arcane Adaptation isn't a trigger, it is a static ability, so no need to stack that one. Now assuming you have no other creatures...

When you complete casting of Emrakul's Hatcher , you have three enters the battlefield triggers from the Hatcher's entry, which you stack like this (best way I can think of):
TOP-> Genesis Chamber trigger -> Emrakul's Hatcher trigger -> Dragon Tempest trigger (Hatcher)

First you resolve Genesis Chamber to put a Myr token into play. This adds another trigger to the top of the stack:
TOP-> Dragon Tempest trigger (Myr token) -> Emrakul's Hatcher trigger -> Dragon Tempest trigger (Hatcher)

Next you resolve Dragon Tempest, which gives the Myr haste and deals 2 damage to something (you control the Myr and the Hatcher). Now the stack looks like:
TOP-> Emrakul's Hatcher trigger -> Dragon Tempest trigger (Hatcher)

Next you resolve the Hatcher, who puts 3 spawn in play, triggering Dragon Tempest three more times:
TOP-> Dragon Tempest trigger (spawn token-1) -> Dragon Tempest trigger (spawn token-2) -> Dragon Tempest (spawn token-3) -> Dragon Tempest trigger (Hatcher)

As you now have a total of five creatures, each of these four triggers will deal 5 damage. I don't see a way to stack the triggers that would get the Myr to deal 5 damage without giving up the 5 damage triggers from the spawns.

May 7, 2019 6:51 a.m.

Kogarashi says... #2

One point of correction: Dragon Tempest will not give any of the now-dragon creatures haste, because none of them have flying (first ability specifies creatures with flying, not Dragons). They do still do X damage, though.

May 7, 2019 9:37 a.m.

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