Dance of the Manse and Encroaching Mycosynth interaction?

Asked by MartinEMcArthur 3 weeks ago

Let’s say Encroaching Mycosynth is in my graveyard along with Brave the Sands and Faerie Seer, two nonartifact permanents. If I cast Dance of the Manse with X equal to 4, I’ll be able to return Encroaching Mycosynth, sure, but would I be able to also return the other two cards I mentioned? Would bringing back Encroaching Mycosynth immediately make the other cards in my graveyards artifacts, hence making them legal targets as long as they’re mana value is 4 or less?

wallisface says... Accepted answer #1

No, the targets have to be legal when you put it on the stack, which they won’t be. Even ignoring that problem, Dance of the Manse returns everything at the same time, so there’d be no window for those graveyard cards to see Encroaching Mycosynth in play and be able to act on that

April 18, 2024 1:50 a.m.

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