Combat Question

Asked by NirTheCatGuy 7 years ago

I think someone once explained me those things wrong, can you guys please tell me what happens at each situation:

Situation 1: I'm attacking with Alpha Tyrranax, and my opponent declares blocking with Pharika's Chosen, i'm casting Shock targeting his Pharika's Chosen, what happens now?

Situation 2: I'm attacking with Alpha Tyrranax, and my opponent declares blocking with Pharika's Chosen, i'm casting Take into Custody targeting his Pharika's Chosen, what happens now?

Situation 3: I'm attacking with Loxodon Convert, my opponent does not block, but cast Shock targeting my Loxodon Convert, what happens now?

Thanks a lot!

Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #1

1: Pharika's Chosen dies during the declare blockers step as a result of being Shocked, but Alpha Tyrranax is still blocked. It won't deal combat damage unless you can also give it trample.

2: Tapping a blocker after it's been declared as a blocker does nothing to change the fact that it's blocking. Combat will proceed as normal, with each creature dealing damage to the other and dying.

3: Loxodon Convert dies. If Shock was cast during the declare attackers or declare blockers step, your creature dies without dealing combat damage. Only creatures that are in combat as the combat damage step begins will deal combat damage.

April 27, 2017 12:30 p.m.

NirTheCatGuy says... #2

Epochalyptik So wait, in situation 1, would my Alpha Tyrranax die?

April 27, 2017 1:07 p.m.


No, Alpha Tyrranax is safe because it was not dealt damage by Pharika's Chosen. All that happens is that the attack itself was interrupted due to a blocker, which means damage from the attack cannot go through unless Alpha Tyrranax had Trample.

April 27, 2017 1:11 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #4

See the end of my response to #3: only creatures that make it to the combat damage step will deal damage. If you kill a creature in either the declare attackers or declare blockers step, it won't deal combat damage. There's nothing to kill your creature in scenario 1 since the blocker dies before the combat damage step.

April 27, 2017 1:29 p.m.

NirTheCatGuy says... #5

April 29, 2017 12:56 p.m.

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