Can you fetch anything with Glittering Wish?

Asked by TheGamer 10 years ago

So with cards like Spawnsire of Ulamog and Glittering Wish , can you get anything?

Like can u have a huge pile of 500 cards sitting next to you and choose from it when you cast either of the cards? Or does it have to be from your sideboard?

Im very confused by these cards. Please help! Thanks in advance and happy deckbuilding!

Drilnoth says... #1

In a casual game, they refer to any appropriate card(s) you own that isn't in the game (note that old cards which say "remove from the game" now say "exile", so cards "removed from the game" are still in the game).

In a tournament, they refer to any cards in your sideboard. A constructed sideboard (such as in Standard) may contain up to 15 cards. An EDH/Commander sideboard, if that optional rule is used, contains up to 10 cards. A limited sideboard (such as in a draft) is all the cards in your card pool that you aren't running in your deck. The basic sideboard rules can be found here (100.4).

June 4, 2014 7:56 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #2

In a competitive event, you may only retrieve cards from your sideboard. In a casual game, you may retrieve any card(s) from your collection.

Always check Gatherer before you ask a question.

6/15/2010: In a casual game, the cards you cast from outside the game come from your personal collection. In a sanctioned event, those cards must come from your sideboard. Note that you can't cast cards from exile this way; exile is a zone in the game.

June 4, 2014 7:59 p.m.

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