Can Licids Target Opponent's Stuff?

Asked by DreadKhan 7 months ago

I assume the answer will be yes, but I'm mostly curious because of Tempting Licid, it seems like it would be played more if it could? I know Zur can fetch up an Aura which can be attached to an opponent's permanent, so I assume that if the card doesn't say you can't you probably can?

To go a bit further, I wonder if their is any reason I can't activate Tempting Licid in response to an attack by an opponent, then detach it after blockers are declared but before damage, meaning I could just keep doing it?

Thank you!

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

Yes, you can do that. Because Tempting Licid's ability just says "target creature" and doesn't say anything specific about who controls it, that means it can target creatures controlled by any player.

And yes, because the Licid's ability doesn't specify any restrictions on when it can be activated or when you can pay mana to end the effect, that means you can do it any time you'd normally be allowed to activate an ability.

October 13, 2023 11:42 a.m.

DreadKhan says... #2

Thank you very much Rhadamanthus, it seemed a bit too good to be true for decks that can Goad stuff, it's a nice surprise that it actually will work as I hope! I guess people want it to have Haste or something so it goes unplayed, it's in 0% of decks on EDHREC when I looked.

October 13, 2023 11:51 a.m.

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