Can I play an Aura like Alpha Authority on a planeswalker to give him hexproof? If not what ways are there to protect them from removal and such?

Asked by BFFsWithElspeth 9 years ago

I'm building a Gruul deck and I want to put in 1 Domri Rade but I'm afraid of removal before I get to do his -7 abillity. I do not run any counter spells so I need some other protection.

Gidgetimer says... #1

The first line on an aura says "Enchant ____" you have to enchant something with that characteristic and the aura will fall off if the object loses it. You can not enchant a planes walker with an "enchant creature" aura. there seems to be no good way to give him hexproof or shroud outside of convoluted ways such as Enchanted Evening and Sterling Grove.

June 7, 2015 9:27 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #2

Planeswalkers are not creatures. They're planeswalkers. Alpha Authority enchants only creatures.

Some planeswalkers have abilities that allow them to become creatures temporarily, at which point they'll be legally enchantable for Alpha Authority, but Alpha Authority will fall off if they stop being creatures.

Also, the Q&A is not the place to ask for deck help or about cards that do a certain thing. It's only for answering rules questions.

Edit: Giving your planeswalker hexproof would only protect it from the very small selection of spells that actually say "target planeswalker" (e.g. Dreadbore or Hero's Downfall).

Burn spells like Lightning Bolt don't target planeswalkers. In order to deal damage to a planeswalker by using a spell like Lightning Bolt, you need to target the player and then announce on resolution that you are using the planeswalker redirection rule to redirect the damage to a planeswalker he or she controls instead.

(The planeswalker redirection rule allows you to redirect any noncombat damage you would deal to another player to a planeswalker that player controls instead.)

Attacking also doesn't target, so hexproof doesn't affect the act of attacking a planeswalker.

June 7, 2015 9:28 a.m. Edited.

Thank you both very much! Epochalyptik Also, sorry about the question. I did not realise. :\

June 7, 2015 9:43 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #4

You're still free to ask the followup question in the forums. It's just that the Q&A is not meant for lengthy discussions that don't have "selectable" right or wrong answers.

June 7, 2015 9:45 a.m.

Epochalyptik Oh I see...thanks!

June 7, 2015 9:53 a.m.

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