Can I make Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader permanently a creature?

Asked by 6DMACR0 7 months ago

On his back side, Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader  Flip has living metal (he's only a creature on my turn).

Can I use something like Mightstone's Animation to permanently make him a creature? Or does Living metal somehow override a card like that?

I want to make an Optimus Voltron deck, but once he converts, which could be out of my control, he would no longer be a creature, and I would have to equip everything to him again, and my auras would hit the graveyard I believe.

wallisface says... Accepted answer #1

Yes Mightstone's Animation will make him a creature. Note that Optimus’s ability is only granting him the ability to be a creature, but isn’t restricting any other effects that might also grant him this typing.

October 30, 2023 4:09 p.m.

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