Can I discard Song-Mad Treachery  Flip to Magmatic Insight?

Asked by BruhYouFarted 2 years ago

Lets say I cast Magmatic Insight. To pay for its cost, can I discard Song-Mad Treachery  Flip since it's kind of a land?

Yesterday says... Accepted answer #1

As long as it's not on the stack, Modal Dual-Faced Cards have only the qualities of the front face of the card. You can't discard Song-Mad Treachery as a land.

Likewise, you wouldn't return it from the graveyard to the battlefield with Splendid Reclamation, as it isn't a land card. But you can play it as a land from your graveyard with Ramunap Excavator, as it doesn't specify "land cards" in its oracle text.

May 13, 2022 10:32 a.m.

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