Can I copy a spell while it is resolving?

Asked by Badumtsch 1 year ago

Let's say I have Reverberate in the graveyard. I cast Mnemonic Deluge, targeting reverberate, thus exiling reverberate. I copy Reverberate 3 times and cast all of them, but as I cast them, is Mnemonic Deluge still a valid target?

I would say yes, since reverberate's target must be chosen as soon as it is cast, and as far as I know, Mnemonic Deluge is not finished resolving before I've cast or decided not to cast the 3 copies of the spell chosen. Additionally, I get to choose new targets for each of the three mnemonic deluge (reverberate no longer a valid target).

I would say no, as this makes for bonkers interaction and it seems.....questionable, hence my question :)

Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1

You can TARGET Mnemonic Deluge with the copied Reverberates since you are correct that you cast Reverberate during the resolution of Mnemonic Deluge and you need to choose a target when the spell is cast. However; the Reverberates don't RESOLVE during the resolution of Mnemonic Deluge. When a spell resolves targets are checked and the spell will do nothing if the targets are no longer valid. Mnemonic Deluge will have exiled itself and no longer be a spell on the stack when Reverberate resolves and Reverberate will fizzle.

Lots of cards have extremely strong interactions, so that is no reason to doubt that something works. In this case it worked out that your instinct was right, but that may not always be the case.

April 1, 2023 4:32 p.m.

Badumtsch says... #2

That makes sense. Thank you, I appreciate it :)

April 2, 2023 12:59 a.m.

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