Can I basic land cycle for free with Gavi

Asked by Dreykon 3 years ago

So does Gavi, Nest Warden first ability let me land cycle for free?

Tylord2894 says... Accepted answer #1

Yes, Gavi's ability will let you Typescycle (such as Basic Land Cycle) for .

Basic Land Cycling is a variant of Cycling called Typecycling. Typecycling abilities are Cycling abilities and their costs are Cycling costs. As such, Gavi will let you replace that Cycling cost. Other Typecycling abilities include that of Vedalken AEthermage!

Hope this helps!!

July 21, 2020 11:51 a.m.

Dreykon says... #2

Tylord2894 Heck yeah its helpful gavi was already awesome now she even better! Thank you so much ;-)

July 21, 2020 3:08 p.m.

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