Can I attack with a creature with decayed and sacrice it to an card before it have to be sacriced by the decayed trigger?

Asked by pedroedmarcos 10 months ago

Hey there,

I was playing yesterday and this question came the mind of one player. He had a Dockside Chef on the battlefiedl and a zombie with decayed. He attacked me with it, and wanted to sacrifice it to dockside after the damage and before it have to be sacrificed by the decayed trigger. Is it possible? Is there a window ?

wallisface says... #1

Yeah you can do this, the sacrifice trigger of a Decayed Zombie is a triggered ability that can be responded to.

Of interesting note, while you can see this working in action on MTGO, I believe Arena shortcuts a bunch of steps and doesn’t give you a chance to (which is incorrect, but there’s a lot of things about Arena that are incorrect).

July 10, 2023 7:04 p.m.

pedroedmarcos says... #2

Exactly, I thought the answer was clear yes, but one of the players argued that on arena you couldn't do that. So I was unsure cause arena skips a lot of stuff so it can be simpler. You can do it after the damage has been dealt and before the end of combat right? Right before the delayed sacrificed resolves?

July 11, 2023 8:02 a.m.

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #3

Yes, in "real life" you can do that. The important words for triggered abilities are "when", "whenever" and "at". The second part of the Decayed keyword (the first part is "this creature can't block") is a triggered ability that sets up another delayed triggered ability: "When this creature attacks, sacrifice it at end of combat". So there's one trigger when it attacks, then another at the beginning of the end of combat step. You can either respond to the second trigger when it's on the stack or take an action before the game moves to the end of combat step.

July 11, 2023 9:14 a.m.

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