Baba Lysaga sacrificing Gloomshrieker

Asked by Quazer 1 year ago

If Baba Lysaga tries to sac Gloomshrieker, Gloomshrieker will exile instead of just dieing. But will Gloomshrikers card types still count for Baba Lysaga's ability?

Thanks in advance.

legendofa says... Accepted answer #1

Baba Lysaga, Night Witch cares about the card types as they are sacrificed, not where they end up. Gloomshrieker will count as an enchantment and a creature for that ability.

March 7, 2023 12:23 a.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #2

Quazer: An answer to your question has been up for a while. Since there don't seem to be any follow-ups or corrections to be made, I marked it as the "Accepted answer" so this topic can move out of the list of unanswered questions. In the future you can take care of this yourself using the "Mark as Answer" button on the response that you feel best answers your question.

March 14, 2023 1:11 p.m.

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