Ancient Amphitheater amd Shapeshifters.

Asked by MrSilk 5 years ago

When you play something like Ancient Amphitheater.. Can you reveal a Taurean Mauler as a giant? The card says that it's every creature time, but the subtext is shapeshifter.


Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1

As long as it has changeling, which Taurean Mauler does, it is all creature types at all times and you can reveal it for Ancient Amphitheater. The printed type is in case something removes abilities, like Humility does, it will still be a shapeshifter. If something is a shapeshifter but not a changeling (Clone for example) then you can not reveal it to have Ancient Amphitheater come in untapped.

August 28, 2018 6:23 p.m.

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