Activate an ability of a madness casted creature.

Asked by marvinrebong 8 years ago

I have a tapped Falkenrath Gorger and a tapped Ravenous Bloodseeker. I also have Heir of Falkenrath  Flip and another Ravenous Bloodseeker on my hand. My opponent attacked with his 2 1/1 creatures. Normally I don't have blockers, now provided that I have enough mana, can I

  1. activate the tapped Bloodseeker's discard ability and madness out Heir of Falkenrath  Flip and then
  2. activate Heir's discard ability as well, to transform it
  3. then madness out my 2nd Bloodseeker as a discard card for Heir's activated ability,
  4. then assigned them as blockers?

BlueScope says... #1

You almost got it right, but what you want to do works - only the order in which you do works different: If you activate Heir's discard ability and discard Revenous Bloodseeker, you discard it into exile and decide whether you want to cast it for it's Madness cost before transforming the Heir.

May 16, 2016 6:02 p.m.

marvinrebong says... Accepted answer #2

that is actually my idea, that is to madness out Heir of Falkenrath  Flip and Ravenous Bloodseeker and assigned them as is the answer is YES? can i do those?

May 16, 2016 6:49 p.m.

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