My zombie tribal deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 27, 2022, 1:18 a.m. by trueblue102231

So I was playing in a small tournament with a previous version of this deck and I got absolutely smashed. I talked to the guys that were playing after and they gave me some great feedback. Just wondering if this could be improved further.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

My deck:

wallisface says... #2

The thoughts I had reading the list:

  • 18 lands feels really, really low when you need to get to 3 mana.

  • Unbreathing Horde feels pretty weak to me, and i’m surprised Carrion Feeder isn’t in the deck.

  • Does this deck need to be legacy? There are very few changes you’d need to make to have this modern-legal, and it would probably fare better there than in legacy.

  • You deck currently appears to basically be a mix of creature-pump-aggro, and control. I think that’s a pretty awkward position to be in, and your counter magic might be better served as killspells. Saying that, zombies aren’t particularly great at dominating combat either, so you may want to be doing more with your creatures than just “going big” _(a lot of other tribes “go big” faster and biggerer, so it may be hard trying to keep-up down that same route)__

October 27, 2022 6:10 a.m.

trueblue102231 says... #3

Thank you for your feedback!

What would I have to do to make the deck modern? What kill spells should I put in? What should I do do make my zombies do more than they are?

Any feedback is appreciated and I will definitely update the deck (:

October 27, 2022 9:56 a.m.

wallisface says... #5

Dead_Blue_has already provided a great list of killspells. Fatal Push is usually the default go-to, though depending on your budget Infernal Grasp might be the most viable option.

The legacy cards there at the moment are Brainstorm, Ponder, and Bad River. I think for any kind of aggressive creature build those blue drawcards aren’t great anyway (because they’re not applying pressure).

As far as alternate strategies, Zombies usually do well in incorporating sacrifice and/or the graveyard. As an example that’s in the wrong colours and probably over-budget, my zombie list here is a good example of a zombie deck taking full-advantage of sacrifice mechanics, to give itself more options when it can’t win a direct beatdown. Your colours are a bit trickier to work around, but something like Blood Artist might help alongside the Carrion Feeder/Gravecrawler package. Blasting Station could also be useful. Blue-zombies in particular have access to Skaab Ruinator, which is a pretty efficient/chunky body, and possibly something to build your deck around - and going down that route both Mire Triton and Stitcher's Supplier might help get it out faster. Cryptbreaker is another interesting zombie that could be considered, depending on what you’re doing - it does play better in midrange strategies so if your deck ends up being one of attrition then its worth including.

October 27, 2022 2:34 p.m.

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