Yorl, Jarl of War

Custom Cards forum

Posted on Feb. 20, 2022, 1:47 a.m. by TypicalTimmy

Yorl, Jarl of War

Raven of War

(I was trying to get the artwork to fit properly in the Token frame on MTG Design, but it wouldn't resize properly. After a while, I merely gave up and went for a full-art version instead. Sorry for the improper frame on this.)

Valhalla Calling

The idea of the -3 is an Orzhov take on Goad.

Originally it was the first +1 and then later reduced to a 0. The token entered the battlefield tapped, meaning your opponent couldn't block with it and thus end the effect. They would instead need to wait until their next untap step to untap it, so that it can die as a blocker.

However, that felt extremely powerful. What I decided to do was kick it down a notch with a -3. From here, I found a bit of a balancing issue. If the token ETB tapped, and you apply it in a game of EDH to the player to your right or left, whichever direction your table rotates, the bird will untap. For example, suppose below is the orientation of the table:

  • Player A ----- Player B

  • Yorl Player -- Player D

In this example, Yorl gives the token to Player D. When Yorl is finished with his or her turn, Player D untaps the token. They don't have an immediate means to remove the token, they go through their turn and pass.

Now, Player B is forced to attack Player D with everything. Player D blocks with the bird, ending the effect. Player A is no longer bound to attack Player D.

Now, if Yorl gives the token to Player A and passes, what happens?

Player D must attack Player A with everything. Player A blocks and has the token die. Now Player B is no longer bound by the effect.

If the token ETB tapped, instead what happens?

Player D must attack A, who can't block with the bird. From here, Player B is forced to also attack A, who once again can't block. Player A untaps and desperately wants to end this havoc and chaos so they attack with a 1/1 flyer. Unfortunately, nobody can block it. Yorl untaps and must attack Player A. Player A has their token tapped as it attacked and now must wait an entire rotation yet again.

Therefore, having the token ETB tapped is disgustingly overpowered. It's best to leave it up as a blocker and play the battle strategically. Furthermore, you can use it politically, making deals to see who gets it. It's also a nuclear option, if you see death on the battlefield and want to prevent it.

It's an incredibly powerful mechanic, therefore -3 is completely justified and having it ETB untapped is the best way to balance such power.

Epicurus says... #2

Then you play Pacifism on the bird.

Game: Blouses

Maybe give the bird hexproof?

February 20, 2022 2:08 a.m. Edited.

TypicalTimmy says... #3

Epicurus, if we give it Hexproof, it prevents targeted removal. Sounds good and all, but again it can be used for politics. While it is under your opponent's control, meaning they are the controller and thus can hit it with their own targeted removal, it shuts down the opponent's means to make a deal to get it removed.

If I wanted it to be unstoppable, it'd be an emblem. This isn't meant to be a one-shot kill or a wincon, just a complete upheaval of the game to sow chaos amid the battlefield.

Interestingly, a second token under another opponent's control makes it more intense as now all creatures must still attack, but now they may choose which opponent they attack. ;)

Good thoughts, though. But I feel Hexproof might as well turn it into an emblem. :/

February 20, 2022 2:16 a.m.

TypicalTimmy says... #4

I don't understand what "Blouses" means in this reference. Google is of no help, referring to the plural of the women's garment.

February 20, 2022 2:23 a.m.

Epicurus says... #5

It's from a Chapelle show skit. Prince is playing a pickup game of basketball, and instead of being shirts vs skins, it's shirts vs blouses. "Game: Blouses" is what Prince says when he wins. Definitely can find that skit on YouTube. It's hilarious.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, my point was that the abundance of spells in white which prevent a creature from attacking or blocking makes the bird token incredibly powerful. Hexproof is one way to reign it in. The controller would still be able to target it, but you wouldn't. "Hexproof from enchantments" might work too, but I don't know if that's making it too complicated at that point. But I do think that making that bird not able to block, as easy as that is to do in white, is too powerful.

February 20, 2022 12:15 p.m.

Niko9 says... #6

I like it! I actually really like cards that can have multiple players work together to solve, and something with this effect would always see some use in it's "bird token" effect.

February 20, 2022 8:15 p.m.

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