Does this Alesha need a few more discard outlets?

Commander Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 29, 2016, 9:58 p.m. by Daemose

Hey guys, here's my Alesha build:

Only the Dead are Smiling (Critique Welcome)

Commander / EDH Daemose


It's not your typical Alesha toolbox; not all the creatures are 2/X, it's also part plain reanimator with a few huge bombs, several different combos (some infinte), and part token swarm deck with Grave Pact effects.

That's how I like it and I enjoy playing it that way; that's not what this thread is about. (Sorry, on reddit once or twice when asking for critique I was told the deck had zero synergy, which I know isn't true because I play it a lot) I was wondering if I need a few more discard outlets. I only have a couple. I was considering maybe Zombie Infestation and Bitter Revelation.

Thanks in advance, and if you think the deck is neat/you use it, comment and let me know what you think.

rainbowofdeath says... #2

wheel effects are generally nice but i feel like youd want to add more synergy with alesha specifically than you currently have. there is also kagamaro first to suffer which is a pretty good board wipe, and maybe look at some of the spellshapers.

August 29, 2016 11:22 p.m.

rainbowofdeath says... #3

oh wait i was thinking of a diff card when i said kagamaro my bad

August 29, 2016 11:22 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #4

I think the zero synergy comment you got was a little harsh (I mean was on reddit...), but I do kind of see where they were coming from. A lot of your cards don't fit together too well. For instance, your commander doesn't have an activated ability, you're running Rings of Brighthearth, and you have less than 10 cards that are worth copying with it, which seems like a terrible waste.

August 31, 2016 11:57 p.m.

rainbowofdeath says... #5

strionic is probably better than rings in the deck

September 1, 2016 12:29 a.m.

Daemose says... #6

Alesha's Pay 2 mana isnt an activated ability?

September 1, 2016 7:39 p.m.

Arby_Q says... #7

Firestorm is easily the best discard effect to use with Alesha. Even if you miss your fourth mana, you can clear a path for her as well as pull something out of the graveyard.
Avatar of Discord and Hidden Horror are decent as well.

September 1, 2016 8:31 p.m.

Daemose says... #8

Man, that's bitchin.

September 1, 2016 9:54 p.m.

rainbowofdeath says... #9

Nah its a triggered ability. Firestorm is great and you can double up on the effect with conflagrate as well if you really want to.

September 1, 2016 10:39 p.m.

Omeros says... #10

My gut impulse is to say "you don't need more discard outlets" without even checking your list. Instead, look for more ways to draw into what you need because you'll find the enablers in the process.

If you do want mass discard in particular there's always Null Brooch and Mindslicer.

Otherwise, for single discard effects consider Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip (when flipped), Liliana of the Veil, Cunning Lethemancer, Rotting Rats, or Necrogen Mists. These all serve the dual purpose of limiting opponent's resources while giving you nonrandom discard.

September 2, 2016 10:09 a.m.

Daemose says... #11

Thanks. Maybe you're right. Then again if you like at my list, I just counted and I only have two. I think I could probably use one or two more. I had a few spellshapers in there once before.Bog Witch is a dark ritual and Sparkspitter negates the card advantage for the rest of your turn.

September 2, 2016 12:18 p.m.

Daemose says... #12

Whoops meant to say looked* not liked.

September 2, 2016 12:18 p.m.

Omeros says... #13

I just built an Alesha list of my own, although the style is very different from yours. My primary discard outlets are through Faithless Looting, looting from Daretti and Nahiri, and Liliana (both versions mentioned above). Since I'm not playing for combat recursion/aggro as much as I think you are, those cards sufficed for me.

You might like those I listed above, any other sources of looting in Alesha's color identity, and creatures with "discard on ETB" effects such as the Rat I linked.

September 2, 2016 12:43 p.m.

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