Damage-based wincons for Sharuum

Commander Deck Help forum

Posted on April 22, 2018, 9:31 a.m. by WhichKing

First, my Sharuum deck here

Now, I have been tweaking my Sharuum deck since Alara. At one point it was the typical infamous combo list, but now my playgroup has settled into a meta that prefers to win via the red-zone, or without wincons that ignore board state.

Does anyone have any good wincons that fit the above criteria? Just fire away! So far I just use dumb beats, but the beats in Esper just feel lackluster.

enpc says... #2

Blasting Station deals damage :P

You could use Cranial Plating to go Voltron, or go artifact creature stax with token generation via stuff like Sharding Sphinx.

April 22, 2018 10:06 a.m.

griffstick says... #3

April 22, 2018 11:20 a.m.

WhichKing says... #4

@enpcHeh heh very funny about the blasting station :P

Yeah I've tried both options before, but they are still pretty lackluster. Cranial Plating did perform, but my list is not very creature heavy so I ended up wishing that I'd drawn a beater instead most times. Sharding Sphinx tended to accrue advantages too slowly. I guess it's tough cause I'd be competing against plays like Angry Omnath casting Splendid Reclamation or Chainer looping Grey Merchants. Whatever I do in esper seems so lackluster in comparison.

@griffstickThe beaters still seem pretty standalone and not very synergistic (I may try Ixidron though, with the flicker theme I can keep repeating the "wrath" and can also "reset" my creatures)

Overall I like taking fair strategies and pushing them as far as I can take it (Just see my other decks). But I'm really stuck in a rut with Sharuum. I guess taking out the infinites, Esper is really just weaksauce beats with very good removal and control options. I feel like I'm essentially playing vanilla beats with top-class removal and a commander that brings my creatures back into play on ETB :(

April 22, 2018 2:23 p.m.

Calliber says... #5

Marionette Master and Sphinx Sovereign

I agree with Sharding Sphinx as well, sure looks lack-luster but it performs so well because it quickly starts to snowball on it's own ability.

April 22, 2018 2:47 p.m.

WhichKing says... #6


Marionette Master would be an instant win that ignores board state with Sharuum and a clone out though. Sphinx Sovereign is just a big beater, I would use Inkwell Leviathan over it.

Sharding Sphinx has given me hilarious board states before when I double clone it with Phyrexian Metamorph and Sculpting Steel. However I have found it to be a little too slow. When I tap out for it on turn 6 and the lands player plays a rampaging baloth out with Lotus Cobra mana, then cracking a fetchland... yeah.

Thanks for the suggestions though! Keep em coming!

April 22, 2018 2:53 p.m.

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