Zur cEDH (Proxies)

Commander / EDH* DreadKhan

SCORE: 1 | 113 VIEWS

Slow But Steady —Aug. 25, 2022

Testing finds the deck slow but extremely powerful, Stasis is incredibly unpleasant to play against if the caster can maintain it for 1 life per turn. The higher interaction numbers are an improvement, making it more likely for the deck to survive in more competitive metas, while the land base is so much more consistent. The deck probably could use more fast mana, but other than Mana Vault I'm not sure what else would fit.

As is, the deck has a lot of ways to continue generating value after Stasis has been established, usually using a few Vigilance tokens to eek out a win. I can use Heliod to gain life in a pinch, the deck can accrue mana off of played lands while Stasis is in effect, I doubt I'll need much life to win off of, though I can't target Zur if he has Shroud, a 4/4 Angel token gaining lifelink is 4 more opportunities to draw into 1W to use Heliod again, and once an Angel gains life, it gets a +1 counter via Heliod, so the next swing is more effective, and so forth. If I throw Smothering Tithe in, there is the potential to get it out with Stasis, which should win the game very quickly. Stais and Chains is also a nasty interaction, one that Necropotence lets me bypass. Anyways, Stasis is a bad time for an unprepared meta, and is a cakewalk for one that comes loaded for bear, so we'll see if it's sturdy enough to run. I do wonder about pulling my 4 MV wincons and transmute tutors, Stasis is a very good way to win, though it is slowish, and getting out Brave the Sands should make it very clear what I'm on, even before they see Stasis. It's worth noting that if Zur has Shroud and All That Glitters on him, copying it will make him huge usually, and copying him again will be getting close to 1 turn kill territory. Stasis might not last forever, but with Zur it doesn't have to.

Edit: With all the talk of creature aggro these days, I wonder if Public Enemy and/or Vanishing + Out of Time would work better than Cyclonic Rift, but that also exists? I like the idea of Public Enemy, suddenly you have one real aggro threat, which you should be able to survive, you can also get out Solitary Confinement with some card draw, that and Rule work pretty well together.