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Commander / EDH EscapingBurger


CMM/WOE Update —Sept. 4, 2023

In: Rivendell, Fierce Guardianship, Reality Shift, Unstable Obelisk, Cyclonic Rift, Cyberdrive Awakener, Vizier of Tumbling Sands

Out: Island, Assert Authority, Nullify, Everflowing Chalice, Ensoul Artifact, Qumulox, Vedalken Engineer

I played a lot more Limited than usual this last month, mostly due to Commander Masters, and I'm finally sitting down to try to distribute some of the cards I picked up. Emry's first!

Fierce Guardianship seems especially strong here, since Emry, Lurker of the Loch is so cheap to get out, and I've had my eye on Cyclonic Rift for a while so it was nice to finally land one. I feel like I've soured on Everflowing Chalice a bit lately--it seems like if I have the mana to cast it for a high value, I don't really need it anymore--so I'm trying out Unstable Obelisk instead since it can also kill things later in the game, and I can get it back from the graveyard. Vizier of Tumbling Sands feels more useful than Vedalken Engineer since it can also ramp (untapping a land or, if I'm lucky, a Sol Ring or Thran Dynamo, but can also untap Emry, which I usually want. And with all the artifacts in this deck, Cyberdrive Awakener is hopefully a decent win condition.