Yeva Draw-Grow

Commander / EDH* Inkmoth

SCORE: 548 | 788 COMMENTS | 96554 VIEWS | IN 184 FOLDERS

It works! Just keep adding mana, stax and tutors! —Feb. 17, 2022

Slowing the game down is the priority and winning is all about finding the right pieces. This update is all about increasing the consistency of early game Stax pieces we can slap down, more tutors to find what we actually need, and more mana to make it all happen!

  • Shared Summons: Yeah, Opposition Agent sucks, but we've been able to play around it quite well, and getting 2 pieces is almost assuredly a win with the way the list is currently built. We're losing Return of the Wildspeaker in this slot. We couldn't always guarantee good draws, so we rather pay 5 mana to know what we're getting.

  • Chalice of the Void: Stax are the name of the game and we're mostly playing this out on 2 counters, which stops a whole array of relevant cards that are active threats to us. The list can luckily play through it quite easily thanks to Allosaurus Shepherd, Veil of Summer, Destiny Spinner, Yisan, the Wanderer Bard, and/or Cavern of Souls. For this we're cutting Ram Through, since it gets hit by Chalice of the Void/Thorn of Amethyst and triggers Heartwood Storyteller. Without Return of the Wildspeaker we also don't have a way of infinitely increasing a creature's power and toughness.

  • Shaman of Forgotten Ways: Wow, what a blast from the past! So Shaman is back to inadvertently make up for the loss of Ram Through + Return of the Wildspeaker. This choice stemmed from the fact that the deck already had Eternal Witness to back up the Mill Line for Noxious Revival loops, on top of Green Sun's Zenith loops, AND Endurance loops. The only argument left for Skullwinder was the niche effect of giving an opponent an interaction piece that could be used to stop something we can't, while incredibly awesome in theory, it never showed up in 5 months of testing across all the experienced pilots in the Yeva discord. When the effect was wanted, Eternal Witness was always the searched target. Now, for the cool part, Shaman can go infinite with Ashaya+Quirion, gives us more mana, and gives us a win condition that requires no recursion loops. (win-cons explained in the primer!)

  • Natural Order: It's back, baby!!! Another surefire way to get something we ACTUALLY need onto the board. It can also sacrifice Heartwood Storyteller without putting a trigger on the stack, or sacrificing Glademuse removes it from the field before your opponents get a round of priority. Out goes Elvish Visionary, which has always just been super meh, ngl...

  • Fauna Shaman: So, the list's gotten incredibly compact in terms of lines we can assemble, to a point where EOT Fauna Shaman could very well present a win. In its place we're cutting Once Upon a Time, which was really here for greedy T1 keeps. Every other stage in the game made Once Upon a Time quite lackluster, add Thorn of Amethyst, Chalice of the Void, and Heartwood Storyteller to the mix and this card just starts feeling all-around bad and non-impactful.

  • Lotus Petal: If the name of the game is putting out a Stax piece as early as possible, this ensures we can slap down some of our most oppressive Stax pieces early when they're needed the most. Tireless Provisioner comes out for this. Being affected by Root Maze, Null Rod, and/or Collector Ouphe was super rough. To make matters worse, the 3 mana cost was surprisingly restrictive, prompting us to almost always shoot for Lotus Cobra.

  • Carpet of Flowers: Another classic returning to the list! Since the list's focus has become centered around throttling players with Stax pieces as soon as possible, we want mana as fast as possible, and a lot of it. A resurgence of Islands has also prompted us to re-slot it, which has been giving us 2-3 mana on avg, which is perfect for the new sorc speed Stax and tutor suite. Sylvan Scrying takes the cut since it gets hit by Thorn of Amethyst, Chalice of the Void, and Heartwood Storyteller. It's also a card we can't cast at instant speed, so we rather have something cheaper in this slot to get us our mana quicker.

  • Boseiju, Who Endures: Umm, yes, please?! A way to kill sooooooo many pieces while dodging Counterspells and Rule of Law effects, while only taking up a land slot, THANK YOU, WOTC!!!! Out goes Prismatic Vista cause Root Maze hurts it, Tireless Provisioner is out, it can't fetch Dryad Arbor, and Lotus Cobra isn't justification enough.

  • Karametra's Acolyte: Another blast from the past. This dork is just too good to not be on it in the current variant, it goes off with Kogla lines, Temur lines, and Ashaya lines, while also giving us an exorbant amount of mana. Out goes Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, which only goes off with Kogla and Ashaya lines with a measly 4 mana production on average. The cantrip rarely became relevant too, with the prevalence of Kraum and the one green required to get the mana often became too restrictive.

  • Concordant Crossroads: Whoa... just whoa. This card is so nutty I can't even begin to describe how stupid strong this is and after a ton of deliberation, Jeweled Lotus just isn't THAT great and, well every other slot is actually pretty integral. Summoning Yeva isn't as centric as it seems either. This is basically another Earthcraft and enables storms out of no where. Adds a bunch of new lines too.

  • Sylvan Scrying: Another way to get Cradle, or one of the many lands we can now abuse if we already have Cradle out. Carpet of Flowers has been underperforming for quite some time, especially with the prevalence of alternate multicolored lands. We'll keep an eye out for this one, but for now it's been giving us 1-2 mana when we least need it.

  • Once Upon a Time: While Shared Summons is insanely good, it's incredibly expensive and we're trimming down quite a bit and making our lines way cheaper on the mana angle. OuaT allows us to keep greedy openers, while also hitting 69% of the list (Niccce).

  • Skullwinder: Another Eternal Witness that also lets us give our opponents interaction to stuff we can't deal with. Kamahl's Will was just another instant speed answer to Hullbreacher that helped our cradle, but it was superfluous and expensive at 4 mana.

  • Tireless Provisioner: Another Lotus Cobra that lets us keep the mana we make and use it when we actually need it. Hope Tender was good, but the minor set up makes it substantially weaker compared to an Elf that can make us go off "without needing Haste".

  • Thorn of Amethyst: Long awaited stax piece. Honestly, this has been needed for quite some time. Anti-Noncreature stax in a creature-based combo deck. Natural Order feels super weird cutting, but that 4 mana and creature sac has been super rough and at sorc speed it is a tad too slow. We'll keep tabs on this, as this card is always missed every time it's cut.

  • Elvish Visionary: Non-threatening, replaces itself, and relevant elf body. It's also a neat little value engine with Wirewood Symbiote or an outlet with Temur Sabertooth. We say goodbye to Sakura-Tribe Scout which is a teensy bit sad, but our land count couldn't justify it and the infinite line was near-impossible to set up.

Ashaya just keeps reshaping this deck into something stronger and faster each time... it's gotten quite nutty. With this update we're going even further into speed and sideways synergy. Also a couple of new lines and another way to deal with Hullbreacher or Opposition Agent at instant speed.

MH2 (small update, sorta):

  • Endurance: Ley Weaver was just unnecessary when we were shooting for Elder almost always, so, short-lived and that's okay. We get Endurance here, better to have an interaction piece against Underworld Breach, Thassa's Oracle, Auriok Salvager, and Reanimator. On top of being a fail-safe for our mill line.

  • Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth: Took out a forest. Makes our Rangers way stronger. Gives a new infinite line outlined in the Infinite Mana Combo section.

Ashaya just put the deck in overdrive and Legends came here to further that. Speed is this updates theme as we remove costly spells for more ramp and removal in the advent of Opposition Agent and Hullbreacher, while adding more sideways synergy!

  • Jeweled Lotus: Speeds out Yeva so we can respond at instant speed as early as turn 2. Still retains function beyond the first couple turns by giving us a cheaper way to cast Yeva after we sacrifice her to Natural Order/Eldritch Evolution or bounce her to Wirewood Symbiote. For this we're removing one Snow-Covered Forest and that'll be the last land we'll ever remove from the deck.

  • Emerald Medallion: Hits 42% of the deck (43% if we want to include Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip). We're not Yisan, the Wanderer Bard, we actually cast our spells, having them all reduced increases our speed substantially. It also cleans up Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Temur Sabertooth, and Kogla, the Titan Ape lines. Karametra's Acolyte sitting at 4 mana has been very restrictive and pretty useless in the grand scheme of things as of late, so this is what's coming out. We'll revisit this later, but this is pretty much a definite as it stands.

  • Lotus Cobra: RIP Great Oak Guardian, at 6 mana it's been rendered useless due to many more cost efficient lines added to the deck. In comes the Cobra. Gives us explosive early turns with Fetches, breaks parity with our Root Maze, and most importantly it cleans up Ashaya, Heart of the Wild lines. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Lotus Cobra = Infinite. With this change, I re-included Prismatic Vista in place of a basic.

  • Kamahl's Will: Can't say Skullwinder ever let me down. It was added as a form as countering wins and it managed to do that twice, however with the inception of Opposition Agent and Hullbreacher along with every other creature we hate warrants yet another piece of removal. In comes Kamahl's Will, which doesn't fight, but rather bites which is amazing since we don't have to worry about losing creatures. This also gives us an alternate form of animating Cradle while giving it haste OR give every creature haste if Ashaya is out.

  • 02/09/2021 Minor BIG Change: Runic Armasaur has been falling out of relevancy for quite some time now. Null Rod will be taking its place, the last much needed stax piece. The best decks at the moment are incredibly reliant on artifacts and finishing the trio was long overdue.

Last, but not least! I entered Yeva at the cEDH Timetwisted Tournament 4 and made it all the way to Top 6! I managed to win on top of a Kess, Dissident Mage and Korvold, Fae-Cursed King. I have included the gameplay of the latter in the primer.

Well, thanks again Wizards for breaking the deck. With this update, we're going to move further away from its reliance on artifacts for the sake of consistency and lack of dead draws on our opponents' turns (MOAR CREATURES!). This is a big one folks, so settle in:

  • Scryb Ranger: This card has been hovering around since the deck's creation and now Ashaya makes him essential. On top of all the general applications, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild making it a forest allows us to bounce it for its untap cost giving us an infinite 2 mana untapper at instant speed. That means that any dork that produces 3 mana or more go infinite and if we have Glademuse/Beast Whisperer we can even go infinite if the dork only produces 2 mana by drawing out the deck (which is enough mana for Crop Rotation and Allosaurus Shepherd). For this we're removing Umbral Mantle, which sure... it goes infinite, but we don't have a mana dork in the command zone, it gets hit by Collector Ouphe, doesn't do anything for our storm turn, and we can't tutor it.

  • Skullwinder: Time to get ostracized by the all-knowing cEDH community, but this is going to replace Staff of Domination. Yet another artifact we can't cast at instant speed and the point still stands: We don't have a mana dork in the command zone, we have a flash enabler for green creatures. Now, I've fought tooth-and-nail to prove that Heartwood Storyteller is phenomenal. It still is, in fact, it is so good that it made me realize that we ACTUALLY like giving our opponents cards. It seems to lull them into a false sense of security, it also allows us to give them counters to stuff we can't deal with. Our instant speed lines all require Shaman of Forgotte Ways and Eternal Witness, so this gives us just another contingency and a piece of "interaction".

  • Ashaya, Soul of the Wild: This will be replacing Thousand-Year Elixir. Yep, you read that right... Ashaya has replaced our haste enabler. Ashaya lets us survive nonland hate at instant speed (Cyclonic Rift, Abrupt Decay, etc.). The creatures we've had out become mana dorks since Ashaya is just an instant speed Cryptolith Rite which can open the door to some Great Oak Guardian lines. It also gives our Rangers (Quirion Ranger/Scryb Ranger) the ability to bounce themselves for the untap effect, effectively resetting their "activate this ability only once each turn". Now for my favorite part, since Ashaya turns all of our creatures into lands Destiny Spinner can "animate(lol)" them with Haste and Trample. So we still keep our Shaman of Forgotten Ways lines, except now can even be an infinite mana dork with Quirion Ranger and Ashaya, Soul of the Wild. 10/3/2020: I feel like a complete ass and I am so sorry I forgot to credit who helped me notice the haste enabling. Thank you Strayapts so much for opening the floodgates to the move away from artifacts.

  • Hyrax Tower Scout: Cloudstone Curio has met its end. At 3 mana we get a tutorable untap to keep the storm going, something we couldn't do when we'd draw Curio. We'll back this up further with the next card.

  • Kogla, the Titan Ape: It's sad to say it, but goodbye Genesis Hydra. We typically tried to make X = 4, maybe 6/7 and it was typically to get one of the above-mentioned artifacts. Now we can actually get a 6 drop that is just the biggest multi-faceted value piece we could ever want, it kills creatures, artifacts, and enchantments. And it combos with Hyrax Tower Scout giving us a tutorable contingency plan as opposed to the random nature of artifacts in monogreen.

  • Return of the Wildspeaker: This one is sketch, but we're removing Sylvan Scrying. I absolutely love getting Gaea's Cradle with it, so we might revisit this, but in another slot cause Return of the Wildspeaker is craaaaaazy. At its worst, we can get 4 cards at instant speed at its best it can hit a huge Ashaya or Kogla. Also an amazing Eternal Witness/Skullwinder target.

  • Autumn's Veil: This will replace Caustic Caterpillar, since Torpor Orb isn't as common anymore and we can actually win through it. At one mana we get instant speed protection for our combos, which is what we prefer now. It's not like we need anymore Artifact and Enchantment hate.

  • Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip: In for a forest, as it comes in untapped and it'd be nice to have a hail mary in a grindy situation. Also kinda nice to have a hail mary given the fact that we lost Genesis Hydra. It's also a land that can be pitched to Force of Vigor or Chrome Mox.

  • Elvish Spirit Guide: Mouth of Ronom comes out for this one. Ronom costs 6 mana for 4 damage and the only way to tutor it is with Crop Rotation and let's face it... we're getting Gaea's Cradle with Crop Rotation. Speaking of which, when we're tapped out and drawing our deck thanks to a Heartwood Storyteller or Runic Armasaur we need one green mana for Crop. That's where Elvish Spirit Guide comes in, sure we're losing a land, but it's a land we can't use when drawn into on our opponents' turn.

  • Mikokoro, Center of the Sea: This replaces Yavimaya Hollow. Frankly, it's been underperforming. I rarely use this aside from blocking which rarely happens. Without Genesis Hydra we lost our only way to get lands into the graveyard, so we need another mill line. Also another way of killing the Thassa's Oracle player or giving our opponents' that counter they put on top of their library.

  • Forest: We're going halfsies now, cause why not, we don't need snow covered for anything anymore. That, and Prismatic Vista is coming out since deck-thinning is a joke in EDH and I pay the 8 life 95% of the time with Sylvan and it nonbos with Root Maze. Unlike the other fetches, it doesn't get us Dryad Arbor.

The deck is now entirely contingent on creatures, which is our colors biggest strength. We have Ashaya, Temur and Kogla to help us assemble infinite at any point in the game. Every change made except for 2 lands can be played during an opponent's turn. I have SynergyBuild to eternally thank for how much time he's put into helping me make this update. This deck is effectively a farm deck killer that plays like a Faux Farm, IsoRev, and SushiHulk deck. (Primer will be updated soon to reflect this update)

Just wanted to say thank you all for the love, support, and patience during my sabbatical. I am also happy to say ya boy's back and actively testing again (couple friends were kind enough to continue testing in my absence). Special shout out to Abzkaban, SynergyBuild and of course Soren841 for being awesome examples of the MTG commmunity, their valued input has always been there since the beginning and I am eternally grateful. Onto the changes!! And boy are they exciting cause I am genuinely starting to believe someone at WotC is looking out for Yeva as every set since I've made the deck has given auto-includes. So , the primer itself has been ported to moxfield, don't worry I will not abandon TappedOut. The "Disclaimer" section has been removed, acknowledging this is a Fringe cEDH deck encapsulates everything said in that section.

  • Emerald Medallion out for Destiny Spinner: Medallion only hits 38% of the deck and while that's a nice number, Destiny Spinner protects 47% of the deck while also being a combo piece that solves one of the deck's most crucial flaw (summoning sickness). Turning Gaea's Cradle into a haste mana dork allows us to go infinite without needing our turn to roll around.

  • Compost out for Glademuse: This one's pretty obvious. One's meta contingent, the other's another Beast Whisperer that hits for everything on your opponents' turn.

  • Prowling Serpopard out for Allosaurus Shepherd: Another obvious swap. One drop, uncounterable, elf, and it makes 91% of the deck uncounterable. Last effect could come into play against most damage boardwipes. Thank you very much WotC, someone's looking out for Yeva.

  • Elvish Visionary out for Eldritch Evolution: This was pretty easy, since I've been looking to remove visionary for a while and Eldritch Evolution was sorely missed and quite frankly integral. Sorry for the temporary lapse in judgment there.

  • Lignify out for Tangle Wire: I think the deck's in a very healthy place when it comes to creature removal and Tangle Wire has been exceptional. It inherently breaks parity with itself and its downsides are mitigated by having flash to never lose tempo.

Final thoughts, I've been trying to see if Hyrax Tower Scout and Kogla, the Titan Ape package could be worked in. I could see it relieving Cloudstone Curio of being an unreliable contingency plan by being tutorable. Thoughts?

The good news is that the list is basically the best it could possibly be at the moment. Currently the list is being run as such:

The bad news, due to personal reasons, I am stepping away for a bit. As soon as I sort my stuff out, I will be back on here guys.Thank you for all the support and I am sorry I can't keep this as up to date as I'd like to

The deck is really coming together as a HUGE powerhouse in cEDH metas, and in my observation the more draw/control elements I have the more I can stave off the faster decks for me to catch up. Also an excerpt from Shaper's Yisan list has been added under Yisan's reasoning explaining Double Versing, as I've come to realize not many people know of this mechanic.

Currently being tested (Jan. 28, 2020):

The changes above have been performing exceptionally well, but losing Worldly Tutor and Umbral Mantle feels wrong, so I will continuously keep working on these changes until I find the best option to get the best possible outcome.

  • Fauna Shaman: At some point this just became something to add to the elf count. It doesn't tutor when it comes in and the deck has gotten to a point where I need results the moment the mana investment is made. It's not a bad card, just too slow for what we're doing now.

  • Marwyn, the Nurturer: Redundancy can be superfluous and we have enough big dorks to play for, so we're cutting the one hardest to buff. Cutting Marwyn still leaves us with 5 alternatives to get to our infinite mana and they are easier to set up.

  • Eldritch Evolution: We have plenty of tutors and this one was the best to cut out of the whole bunch, unfortunately. I will be revisiting this as I always do the moment it's missing from the deck, but at the moment as it stands this was just a weaker Natural Order.

  • Skullclamp: Decent draw engine, but it does stall us out a bit and it usually sets us back if we don't draw into something that mitigates our loss. One less thing for Ouphe to hit.

  • Compost: Another draw engine. I hope this goes without saying that it's meta contingent, so feel free to run anything else you'd like in its place if Black isn't prevalent in your meta.

  • Lignify: Coming back as I promised since we need all the interaction we can get, especially as cost efficient as this is and it deals with our biggest problem: Creatures.

  • Collector Ouphe: Instant speed Null Rod that can stop Isochron Scepter and many artifact based decks. This only hits 8% of the deck.

  • Heartwood Storyteller: I tested this for a month straight and I've won every game it's been out. This card turns the game upside down, but we always have instant speed up our sleeve. It's also another answer to Isochron Scepter as we and two players get to go infinite along with them, so if you don't find an answer they will. If this is on the field with just one big mana dork without summoning sickness, you practically have an Ad Nauseam ready to pop off. You should be 100% okay with giving your opponents answers as you should aim to win when they've exhausted all of their resources. The more of the deck you see the more inevitable it becomes that you can win the game at any point.

Updates have been condensed so the most recent update is the one you see and all previous updates have been neatly compiled in the 'Changelog' below. The maybeboard has been moved to the Card Selection section with explanations for their consideration. Hope you guys like the way this looks as there's WAY less scrolling. So far the only new card worth exploring is Once Upon a Time, but I don't like that it tucks important pieces, so this might not even make it in. Will keep an eye on Eldraine and post an update if something changes.

  • Out: Scavenging Ooze was getting to a point where I felt super lucky if I got to use him. His purpose was to make sure to stop Kozilek, Butcher of Truth and/or Gaea's Blessing effects when using the Geier Reach Sanitarium line, BUT as it turns out I can just respond to their triggers at instant speed and keep milling. I will keep it in the maybeboard/sideboard. If I felt like graveyard decks become much more important, I will probably swap it back in.

  • In: Ohran Viper: After playing my deck into a bunch of cEDH decks, I've come to the realization that Viper is basically a weaker Tymna the Weaver since no one ever wants to block with their mana dorks or utility creatures. The Viper can also be used to block priority threats at instant speed like Tymna herself.

Welp, as the description says, Somberwald Stag is officially out of the deck for Ulvenwald Tracker. You won me so many games, thanks for being a reliable closer. You will be sorely missed buddy.

Making a return from earlier iterations of the deck is Tracker. At one mana he comes down way faster than Stag and is repeatable for early control. When we pop off, we have infinite untaps to wipe the board using Yeva, Temur Sabertooth, or Genesis Hydra as the fighter and we give the Tracker haste with Thousand-Year Elixir or Finale of Devastation(via Emergence Zone). This is ALSO a bounceless loop which pushes further in line with the deck's philosophy: Infinite Mana + outlet = Instant speed win. Last but not least, this lowered the AVG CMC from 2.27 to 2.21 and reduced our reliance on Eternal Witness significantly. I gotta say I'm hella proud of how much I've grown as a player with this deck. It's off the rails guys.... I'm going along for the ride now.

All of Ulvenwald Tracker's loops have been added to the primer, a new description for a combo that was present in the deck, but not previously noted with Voyaging Satyr and Geier Reach Sanitarium has been added as well. The categories have been renamed for clarity and accuracy, I apologise for the mess I had before.

I just wanted to say thank you all for the Views, Upvotes and Saves! If it wasn't for all the support you guys have given me, Yeva would not have picked up as much steam as it has. Thanks to you guys, Yeva Draw-Grow is now the best Yeva deck on T/O and tops Google searches when looking for "Yeva Competitive". I wanna give a huge shout out to: ShaperSavant Soren841 Abzkaban SynergyBuild

You guys helped me push this deck to its final frontier and for that I am eternally grateful.

Well this one took me a while, sorry guys!I've been wracking my breain to make these changes and I finally settled on one that will help me sleep at night. I wanna give a shout out to mah boy, Abzkaban, he really helped me serrtle on the changed I was torturing myself with.
  • Paradox Engine: Boy did I have fun with this card, unfortunately the casuals in the RC have deemed this too strong. To that I say, "That's cool, man". Cloudstone Curio is reborn from the ashes of Pegine. Cloudstone is exactly the combo piece we need in the light of losing a strong piece, one could argue that shit is even better. This is our new/old contingency plan now, which allows us to remove our Primal Command.

  • Shared Summons: This is just better than Primal Command in every. In fact, in our deck it's pretty broken, since we can assemble a combo at instant speed. Something that was much harder to accomplish with out 1 for 1 tutors. Losing Primal, makes us lose our contingency bounceless loop, but Cloudstone Curio replaces it as another blunce alternative.

  • Veil of Summer: Strictly better than Autumn's Veil as it ca draw and makes our spells uncounterable from any source along with giving us hexproof. My only points of contention are that we really should have oth of these, that and the hexproof from Veil of Summer is only applied to the permanents on the field unlike Autumn's Veil.

  • Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip: Even though I appreciated the CA this provided, I also hated when it would tuck an combo piece I needed, so I have replaced this with Sylvan Scrying. It's one mana less, straight to the point and there are no requirements to get the land onto the field.

  • Benefactor's Draught: This really only made a lot of sense when we were at critical mass or if we had Earthcraft, otherwise, when we really need it, it never shows up. In its place, we're putting in the last piece of ramp the deck needed from the beginning: Emerald Medallion, lowering the curve of this deck puts it in the realm to stave off faster decks.

  • Vivien's Arkbow: I loved this card, but we have way more consistent outlets and they are repeatable, with the loss of Paradox Engine it is even weaker. I rather have free removal in the form of Force of Vigor.

Alrighty then, when I first made the first of these updates I vowed to never post an update unless I had an actual change to the list with its reasoning. Sigh Unfortunately, I am stumped. The deck is what I'd like to consider near perfect, with any change made to be at the pilot's discretion. I believe the following cards belong in the deck, in place of what? I have no idea. Maybe you guys can help.

Veil of Summer: Better than Autumn's Veil in literally every way, so out it goes. Down the line I might remove Prowling Serpopard for Autumn's Veil, but I have to do some testing first. Will keep you guys up to date. 7/3/19: There's one caveat to note, Veil of Summer only gives the hexproof to permanents I control upon resolution and Autumn's Veil is for the remainder of turn.

Shared Summons - Can't say I am too sad at this prospect, but this will be replacing Primal Command as soon as more testing could be done I won't make it definitive, but it most likely will be the case.

Emerald Medallion - It upsets me, that I never included this since the beginning, now I am at a loss and I don't know what to remove for it.

Force of Vigor - I've considered many swaps and quite frankly I don't know what to take out for this wonderful piece of removal. I believe it's also a necessity in the deck. (6/19/19): I am still struggling to find a slot for this beautiful piece of removal.

Collector Ouphe - This one will be going in one way or another. This is TOO good, and it's irrelevant to me that it shuts down some of my cards if it means I shut out every artifact in my meta. (6/19/19): Ultimately, I decided this was not going in, I can't run the risk of ruining some of my main combos and the only way to mitigates its effects when necessary are by either sacrificing to a tutor (Eldritch Evolution/Natural Order) or bouncing with Temur Sabertooth, none of which seem like practical choices if I am ever in a situation where I need to break parity to win. It makes me sad, but I will revisit this again at a later point.

Prismatic Vista - This is one is more of a low impact decision. Only hurting us if Root Maze is ill-timed. I'm was little indifferent about this one to be honest, so I wanted to hear arguments on both sides. dingusdingo was kind enough to convince me.

Dingodingus' reasoning Show

With War of the Spark completely spoiled, I am delighted to say major changes have been made. I'm happy to say the deck is currently in its most completed stage and the strongest it's ever been. On that note: I will be laying off of it for a bit and take a break because the amount of time I take obsessing over this deck is bordering on unhealthy. I will be here to answer any and all questions, but I am going to stop brewing it until Modern Horizons spoiler season begins. Hope you guys like the changes and thank you all for the support! <3

Custom Categories added! Outlets section and a No-Bounce-Needed Kill Loop has been added to the Kill Loops (Win-Cons) section.

Cloudstone Curio: It's sad to say goodbye to what was considered an absolutely necessary card. RIP, Cloudstone Curio you will be missed. The purpose behind Cloudstone Curio was to use it as a back-up plan if Temur Sabertooth ever got removed before he could ever get into play or if he was Trickbinded and removed.The way we used to pivot to it was by drawing as much as possible, which was effective in most cases. There were moments where drawing into Cloudstone Curio often meant we were poised to win without ever worrying about tutoring Temur Sabertooth. It proved to be very effective when it came up, however, the deck has evolved in a matter to where achieving infinite mana is possible without the use of bounces. Making the bounces to be better used to end the actual game. Now we can win without bounces using Primal Command + Eternal Witness + Beast Within loops, to find out how you can check out the loop explanation in the Kill Loops (Win-cons) section.

Elvish Archdruid: I almost never need him, unless I am looking for a random 3-drop elf, he does help Marwyn, the Nurterer, but ultimately we don't care. We already have 5 Big Mana dorks and other ways of going infinite with mana without needing him.

Wirewood Lodge: With Elvish Archdruid gone, that leaves us with only 3 viable targets for this land, making it too narrow, so I opted to take the land out for an actual card and drop the land count to 30, which is probably the lowest I will go.

Finale of Devastation: In the place of Cloudstone Curio, we get a tutor to further facilitate our combo. Another Green Sun's Zenith that digs the graveyard, does everything our deck could possibly ever want in a tutor. Having another Haste enabler in the deck is also a nice back up to Thousand-Year Elixir and for those who keep asking for Craterhoof Behemoth, there you have it. Now the deck has an alternative combat win.

Root Maze: The inclusion of this card is long overdue and since its been in, it's been ridiculously oppressive, while remaining super easy to break parity with it.

Vivien's Arkbow: RNG Yisan. Turns our dead draws into board advantage without giving away any information. Another way of bringing out creatures without worrying about them getting countered and with our low curve, the most we have to spend on average is 4 to hit the majority of our worthwhile targets.

Once again, the combos Yeva enables never cease to amaze me. So, Blighted Woodland has been removed. Blighted used to be in to net us the extra land we needed to keep looping Mouth of Ronom with Crop Rotation. Turns out the deck could do that all along using Chord of Calling to get Dryad Arbor.

Currently Testing:

Emergence Zone in (Woodland's slot)

The ability to cheat in anything opens the final door the deck has had no access to, hopefully this card isn't a "fun" card and it's something the deck makes complete use of... as it should. I believe this land is perfect in the deck, but I still need way more testing. I've played 3 games with it and it hasn't shown up. Crop Rotation still going for Gaea's Cradle, of course.

Primal Command in Brutalizer Exarch's slot.

It does everything Exarch does for one less mana, but the tutor sends it to your hand and a gy reset is comforting when E-Wit and Noxious were carrying all that weight.

EDIT: It may be a little premature, but I won a game thanks to Primal Command on the first night trying it, it was also a situation where Brutalizer Exarch would've been a dead draw. Safe to say, I love the card, will post updates regarding this swap on this update until the change is final (though, it might be). If Emergence Zone ends up being a main part of the deck, Primal stands to be even stronger.

- Mosswort Bridge is out and replaced with another Forest. I promised myself that if it ever screwed me out of a game, I would take it out. Last night was that night. Genesis Hydra fulfills its role anyway.
  • OUT: Ambush Commander: He just wasn't cutting it anymore, makes me sad, but the deck has evolved beyond what he does. On that note: Myriad Landscape was removed along with it and replaced with another forest.

  • IN: Umbral Mantle: Another way to produce infinite mana and all we need is a dork that produces 4 mana or more and one outlet to win. More than Ambush Commander could ever do.

  • OUT: Warping Wail: It gets swapped in and out depending on the meta. This only really leaves us vulnerable to Toxic Deluge.

  • IN: Autumn's Veil: My meta has adapted and has resorted to things like Fire Covenant, Reality Shift, and Pongify. My non-creature combo pieces being uncounterable has also become super relevant.

During the deck's inception I refrained from using these updates since it would've blown up people's inbox while I was constantly making changes. Currently the deck is what I deem to be most completed version for the time being. I will be using these updates from now on, but keep the subsection as it tells an intricate timeline of how the deck got to how it is now. I also promise that these updates will not be made unless a change to the actual decklist is made with the changes' reasoning

Every section has been polished to be aesthetically easier to digest. Specifically the combo lines have had each of the combo pieces' name shortened for clarity, while maintaining a link to the card to remain informational.

Special thanks to scotchtapedsleeves for helping my page looks super dope, though my tinkering has caused it to stop working from time to time, so if you don't see the wallpaper, it's probably my fault.

Yeva Draw-Grow is born.
  • 12/03/18: After getting in contact with ShaperSavant he helped me refine the rough edges of the deck, please refer to the change-log. Tappedout deck will be updated shortly.

  • 12/05/18: I have uploaded the deck to Tappedout. The deck will be submitted for Tier Evaluation as soon as the new Ravnica Set is completely spoiled. I would like to see what Simic and Gruul can bring us. 

  • 12/07/18: Still working on making this guide more aesthetically appealing all while being as informative as possible. Lands description coming soon and a "Why Yeva?" section.

  • 12/10/18: Touch of Vitae is coming out for Thousand-Year Elixir Elixir is basically another Earthcraft effect and fulfills the same niche Vitae was filling. In fact, more often than not, when I was popping off I had already won and the Vitae was just a win-more effect. I never actually got a draw out of it so that part is irrelevant. Elixir also gives us an untap, which is NOT negligible in our deck. Currently trying to find a slot for Birchlore Rangers Last but not least, "Why Yeva" section and Lands description should be up by tonight, sorry guys! Smash Ultimate took up my whole Friday and Sunday.

  • 12/12/18: "Why Yeva?" Section is up. Lands Description and Maybeboard incoming, some time today or tomorrow. Sorry for not fulfilling my last deadline, personal matters came in between me and spreading my love for Yeva. Fixed a lot of grammar, added more details to every section including, but not limited to the Weakness Section and Back Story

  • 12/13/18: Citanul Hierophants and Nullmage Shepherd have been removed. Citanul was a pretty easy cut for Birchlore Rangers lowering the average cmc, while being able to use the effect without summoning sickness. Nullmage Shepherd was a little difficult, since Torpor Orb is thing... a scary thing, however we still get an elf with Beast Whispererthat can bypass torpor orb and could hopefully allow us to find our Nature's Claim or Beast Within If this fails, I will find room for Caustic Caterpillar or a Natural State

  • 12/19/18: After a lot of hours put into the deck, only a couple of things seemed to be the deck's shortcomings, which were card advantage and disruption. So, on that note we're trying out:

    • IN: Skullclamp OUT: Grim Monolith Given the amount of ramp we've added, Grim has been staying tapped and with a lack of luster, I rather turn my dorks into 1 mana/draw 2.
    • IN: Runic Armasaur OUT: Polukranos, World Eater This one is going to take some testing still, since it's very niche, outside of its combo, Polukranos doesn't do much, so he's coming out for something that could net me card advantage.
    • IN: Somberwald Stag OUT: Ambush Commander This one hurt, a lot. The stag is in, since it effectively replaces the Kamahl and Polukranos combo once we start looping it with the cat. While I will miss Ambush Commander, he might come back if I find another slot for it eventually.
    • IN: Scavenging Ooze OUT: Omnath, Locus of Mana Another tough decision, though luckily a meta call, this slot is effectively your flex slot. Graveyard hate is very lacking in the whole deck too.
  • 12/21/18: Runic Armasaur removed for Ambush Commander This was a difficult decision, but Ambush is just WAAAAY too much of an asset to the deck.

  • 12/31/18: Runic Armasaur came in the mail and I felt bad not having a spot for him, so I decided to swap out Wood Elves for the dino. Needless to say it was a house. It ate a Force of Will on his first game, which I then later won. Drew 5 cards with a Dream Halls on the field, needless to say I popped off and in response to a Pernicious Deed too. Last night was a great night and the Dino has a permanent home in Yeva. Context: Nin, the Pain Artist, Azami, Lady of Scrolls, and Lord Windgrace The dino benefitted from fetches and azami a lot and an Arbor Elf Wood Elves never yielded me as much card advantage. This was a great year for Yeva, hopefully I can move her up a tier higher soon. Wish me luck, guys! :D Have a happy new year 2019!

Happy New Years! So I fixed A LOT of the grammar and added more clarity. Changed the color of the header for each section and condensed them so the whole guide looks cleaner. Updates on card changes coming soon, currently putting in Chrome Mox and Mox Diamond SynergyBuild was the nail on the coffin in that decision, so thanks, dude! Still need more testing to let you all know how it goes. SHOULD go well, no reason it shouldn't. Ravnica Spoilers haven't impacted my deck. Though 3 of them are enticing, but little too intense on curve: Rampage of the Clans, Wilderness Reclamation, and Guardian Project The most viable one might be the instant, since mass enchantment/artifact hate sounds great.

  • 01/08/19: I created a budget version of the deck which has been linked at the very top. I'm working away at chipping away at the cost. I am currently testing out the moxen, which have been great in some games and lack luster in others. Collected Company is officially on the chopping block. In that spot I will be trying out Genesis Hydra, Skyshroud Poacher, Multani's Acolyte, and if all of these are bad I might have found the place for my Eldritch Evolution

  • 01/09/19: The Moxen are in and Collected Company(CoCo) has been removed for Eldritch Evolution, I feel like it's a copout, but I really did need Eldritch in. Combo decks need every tutor, especially when they go straight to the field. Also, CoCo has whiffed on me too many times for me to ignore its uselessness, and this way we lower the curve by one.

  • 01/14/19: Thanks to Shapersavant the "Why Yeva" has been expanded upon profoundly to truly encapsulate why we'd use Yeva over other generals. We also realized the deck has 9 outlets to draw out the deck while the Runic Armasaur and Skullclamp are new draw engines, so for more control elements I've removed Wall of Blossoms for Manglehorn to respond to fast mana and pop more artifacts.

  • 01/24/19: Took out a land, since the curve has gotten so low that drawing excess lands has actually been annoying. We took out the land for Genesis which makes 100% sure that we close out any game we go infinite. It ensures that we get literally any possible piece we could possibly need to close the game out. This is still testing, if I feel at any point that the lack of a land is hurting us I will revert and look for another slot for Genesis.

  • 01/29/19: Made the language way clearer on the "Piloting the Deck" section. Skullwinder, Sunscorched Desert, and Geier Reach Sanitarium have been added to the Maybeboard. Skullwinder is a second E-Wit which has become an integral part of the deck's success, so considering a second copy doesn't sound too crazy. Sunscorched Desert is an alt-win con since the deck can loop Crop Rotation and Noxious infinitely with E-Wit + Cat loops. Geier Reach Sanitarium is the weird one of the bunch, but the only way we CANNOT win on someone's turn is if we draw into Thousand-Year Elixir while popping off. So, if there's something on the stack killing us we need a way to discard Thousand-Year Elixir to put it on the top of the library and then cheat it out with Genesis to then play Shaman of Forgotten Ways and close.

  • 02/03/19: So, on my last update I discovered a win-con that didn't require for me to have haste, but also didn't remove any important slots. The win-con: The only way that route becomes possible is if Sunscorched Desert was either on the field, graveyard, or deck since we can loop Crop and Noxious infinitely with E-Wit + Cat loops. In comes Geier Reach, at first it was supposed to be another land in the deck that can discard Sunscorched Desert or Thousand-Year Elixir, BUT I realized it can also be the win-con itself. Instead of looping Sunscorched Desert, we can actually loop Geier Reach and mill our opponent's out. We never deck out cause we can Noxious whatever we discard (or whole GY for that matter). Now I am evaluating whether I care to even add Sunscorched Desert Last but not least, CYA Command Beacon!!! Only card that did absolutely nothing in the deck since its first week. Yeva is her own evasion, she plays around all the major boardwipes, so she rarely dies.

  • 02/04/19: Extensive explanation of Geier Reach Sanitarium has been added to Card Selection and Kill Loops

Potatonator says... #1

All that hard work and only one view

December 4, 2018 9:50 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #2

Potatonator I just uploaded it and for some reason, it's not going to the top or the latest section.

December 4, 2018 11:15 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #3

user:Inkmoth_ Great job! I do appreciate what you are trying to accomplish, your back story is actually quite similar to way how I built my Intet from going to mid to high power tier. +1 For your efforts and time spent in tuning and refining your deck to the level it's at!

December 5, 2018 7:30 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #4

hkhssweiss Thank you so much, it's been so hard to spread this deck around, so it cheers me up to know that someone took the time to read my backstory. Upvoted and I'm on my way to see your Intet deck to upvote as well.

December 5, 2018 9:03 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #9

user:Inkmoth_ No worries! I understand the feeling of refining a deck, for both my Intet and Teneb they were my first and second EDH decks respectively and it took them 4+ years to get them to the level they are at now. I'm fairly proud of their builds :)

Keep up the good work buddy! Feel free to ask for any feedback or questions whenever!

December 5, 2018 4:27 p.m.

jordanalessi says... #10

So you ramp, get out seedborn, but then how does it win?

December 5, 2018 11:49 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #11

jordanalessi Sorry dude, currently doing the guide here. If you don't mind going to the link it explains it, I made the first guide on mtg salvation and that was a shortcoming, should've started here, lesson learned. Otherwise give me like 30mins, trying to make it as presentable as possible.

December 5, 2018 11:59 p.m.

jordanalessi says... #13

Ahhh, very nice. Simic is my favorite color and I do similar things in my deck. I'm sure Yeva lets you assemble a combo out of nowhere. Looks fun!

December 6, 2018 10:50 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #14

jordanalessi Thanks you very much and sorry for the wait on the guide. I hope it was informative enough.

Simic is life! :D And yes, Yeva lets me spring a win conditions out of no where and it's been the funnest deck I've ever played to date.

December 6, 2018 12:24 p.m.

KayneMarco says... #15

Big +1 from me. This deck has obviously been a labor of love for you. Your entire primer alone makes it obvious. I get it, believe me. The way you’ve fine tuned this deck and how long it must’ve taken is all worth it isn’t it? I know the feeling. I spent over a year of fine tuning and tweaking my Zur deck so I get it. I absolutely love this build by the way.

December 8, 2018 5:32 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #16

KayneMarco A labor of love is what I had just finished describing it as to a friend just minutes before I read your comment. Needless to say the comment brought me a smile (borderline a tear of joy), it has been an incredible journey and now that I've reached a frontier with it, I look forward to keep pushing it beyond its limits as much as I possibly can. I want to thank you for your support and most importantly that you love it. I want people to see Yeva differently and comments like yours make me feel as though I am achieving it. Stay tuned, we're not finished yet. I believe we can go further.

December 8, 2018 6 p.m.

KayneMarco says... #17

You mentioned a few times how much you love simic. Just wondering if you ever considered Momir Vig, Simic Visionary for your general and have yeva and seedborn be your prophet of kruphix that way?

December 8, 2018 8:43 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #18

KayneMarco I certainly did, the only issue with that is that Yeva sits in the command zone, waiting around to give us flash, so if I run into Seedborn Muse it's super easy to go for. But working to get the two of them out on the field in Momir Vig, Simic Visionary is moot if you can just go infinite with Palinchron and Deadeye Navigator. While it's true that Prophet of Kruphix fueled my want and need to make this deck work, Seedborn Muse itself has become a removal eater. I never need her to win, though if undealt with I DO win. I almost never think with Seedborn in mind anymore. Think of her as the Tarmogoyf of the deck. I don't need her to deal with you, but you need to deal with her.

December 8, 2018 9:10 p.m.

Dango says... #19

Congrats on getting number one on the front page!

December 9, 2018 12:34 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #20


And thank you for contributing in it. The sleepless nights have made this all the more fulfilling. I hope you liked the deck!

December 9, 2018 12:47 a.m.

Feedlord117 says... #21

People underestimate Yeva she is sleeper strong

December 9, 2018 9:53 p.m.

Flooremoji says... #22

Beast Within gives tokens. Once you 'kill everything' SOFW will not win :)

December 11, 2018 2:22 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #23

Flooremoji: True, but you can do this infinitely, so they'd never be able to do combat with them. Eventually, you can run into Polukranos, World Eater and he wipes them out, or you just go infinite power and toughness and win through the red zone.

December 12, 2018 10:55 a.m.

Abzkaban says... #24

This is probably my favorite deck that I've seen in a while! I'm such a green player, and seeing all the things you can do here at instant speed is making me cackle to myself. I've developed an affinity for elves, so this list feels so natural to just pick up and play. My only regret is the price of the deck (I don't know if I'll ever own a Gaea's Cradle). I might build a budget version of this someday, though.

Out of curiosity and in a feeble attempt to help you fit in Eldritch Evolution, have you considered taking out a single Snow-Covered Forest? Is your landbase so finely balanced that removing one land could tip it out of that sweet spot? Just a thought. I see your predicament with finding cuts for it anywhere in this list.

December 15, 2018 2:14 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #25

Abzkaban thank you so much for the kind words!! I'm glad it piqued your interest and about that Gaea's Cradle, Elvish Guidance can easily replace it.

I'm honestly terrified of removing a forest. Ambush Commander has been so integral and one more forest being removed will hurt what he contributes inconsistent explosiveness.

December 15, 2018 6:40 p.m.