Worshippers of Bhaal

Commander / EDH Zeddicuus


Cards acquired! Only a few proxies left! —Oct. 23, 2023

So I've managed to get a hold of several cards. I have updated the "Maybe" list for the ones I left to acquire, but I trying to get those soon.

Played the deck more, and so far it plays real well. I get plenty of mana/land ramp, and with multiple ways to make the -1/-1 counter from persist disappear, I can hit recursion pretty rapidly, with or without Bhaal on the table to goad.

Evolutionary Leap is proving to be tremdously handy. Once I get the recursion engine started, I can dig up several creatures to my hand trying to get a game ender. This has won me a couple of games. Zulaport Cutthroat and Agent of the Iron Throne are working great as game enders as well. not only does it get creatures, it's also a sac outlet. Made great use of that for goading the most powerful creatures on the table repeatedly, just to keep them off my back and harassing the others instead.

So far I'm really liking the way this deck plays.