Warlord Aurelia Aggravated Celebrant of Akoum

Commander / EDH Norintha


Retooled —April 10, 2023

Changed secondary focus away from ball lightning effects to tokens and doubling tokens. Shifted some more artifact ramp in based on what I had on hand.

shadow63 says... #1

Your much too concerned with going fast rather then having enough gas to play the long game. The creatures that sac themselves at the end of the turn are really bad in commander unless they're huge. You also need ramp and card advantage pieces

December 25, 2022 2:39 p.m.

Necrosis24 says... #2

I have to agree with shadow63 generally relying on creatures like Ball Lightning is not the best idea in cmdr given the strategy is reliant on multi-combat or consistent recursion to get efficient use out of them. I think you would benefit from using more stable utility creatures like Etali, Primal Storm/Ilharg, the Raze-Boar and if you really want to drop a bunch of creatures at once Sneak Attack is a good option.

I'd also recommend including more stable ramp. Rituals are nice when you can set up a combo, but personally I usually prefer consistent ramp such as Boros Signet. Arcane Signet, Talisman of Conviction. Since you are combat focused Cursed Mirror might actually be worth considering as well.

Ardoz, Cobbler of War is a new card hat can give you that Ball Lightning-esque effect. Otherwise there are the high cmc versions in Ogre Battledriver and In the Web of War.

Utilizing tokens may also be a strategy worth considering especially since Boros still lacks in card draw although it is very slowly improving so if you are losing your creatures constantly you either need to recur them consistently or draw/create more creatures.

December 26, 2022 3:14 a.m.