Ur-Dragon's Multiverse Onslaught | *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH MattN7498

SCORE: 295 | 236 COMMENTS | 88881 VIEWS | IN 194 FOLDERS


Dungeons and Dragons Round 2! These sets are always cool for Magic and always tend to give a lot of brand new cool dragons. It's hard to say which DND I like more because they both are pretty different. But this time around, there are 56 new dragons that have been added to Magic. Given the number of them and face value of the a lot of them being commons/uncommons, I'm only including the Elder Dragons with dice rolling mechanics and ones I thought were close to being played in my deck in this little write up. All the other ones can be found in the descriptions below for why the weren't included. Also we've climbed our way now into the top 100 EDH decks on TappedOut which is insane and are still slowly climbing so thanks to everyone for being interested!

(EXCLUSION) Ancient Brass Dragon

Brass Dragon felt difficult to reanimate your dragons efficiently and rely on your opponents graveyards to have things worth bringing back. On average, you'd get like 1-2 dragons from your graveyard maybe. And that's only if you manage to swing through. If I wanted this type of effect, I'd rather paly Teneb, the Harvester even though the top end of the dice rolling can completely swing the game.

(EXCLUSION) Ancient Bronze Dragon

I was super disappointed in this. I'm not a big fan of such a mana investment to make two dragons that are already big just even bigger and that's if you get lucky on the dice rolling. If you have better ways to manipulate counters I can understand it but this just isn't the type of deck for it.

(EXCLUSION) Ancient Copper Dragon

This was the closest Elder to making the deck and may come in the future. It's basically a single Old Gnawbone. There's some variance on the amount of treasures you get whether it's a few or too many. I think in either scenario, it's good if you get treasure's since the value of them is very high. But with how tight the list is right now, making room for just a single enabler similar to Old Gnawbone wasn't enough. If there's space that ends up being made, I think this dragon will definitely come in.

(EXCLUSION) Ancient Gold Dragon

This was the other Elder that almost made it in. However, the floor in this dragon is so high in comparison to the other Elders. Making only a few Faerie Dragons isn't where I want to be with it. I always want to be making a lot. With effects like Dragon Tempest and Scourge of Valkas, you can effectively kill the whole table if you roll big. But since that's not always the case, it's too inconsistent to have it be reliable.

(EXCLUSION) Ancient Silver Dragon

Not only is this the most expensive one but also the most average ability. I can understand wanting to draw cards and the value of hitting big with the roll and drawing a lot of cards. But realistically in this deck, you're not able to cast all those cards the following turn. You're casting maybe 1-2 cards at best. I'd rather be running lower cmc and generic card draw effects than on a dragon thats 3x more expensive and has to make it through combat.

(EXCLUSION) Brainstealer Dragon

This is the top dragon on my list that'll come in if there ends up being rule. It's such a cool and unique effect for a decent mana cost. There definitely is some variance on exiling your opponents stuff and it not being relevant to your strategy at all so I'd have to get enough games in with it to be able to see if it's worth it. An upside however is that you're allowed to play Land cards off of it which is huge later in the game when you start not making land drops. And on top of that, it doesn't require the dragon to stick around to be able to play off the cards. So hopefully this guy can make it in the deck next go around.

Wrathful Red Dragon > Moonveil Regent

Card draw and burn ability from Moonveil never felt relevant or useful at all, even at the cost of being a smaller dragon. Wrathful Red Dragon will probably be a staple in Dragon decks going forward. It provides insurance against red wraths and makes attacking your opponents and blocking against your opponents really difficult for them in giving punishing burn.

Majestic Genesis > Maelstrom Wanderer

I was mostly a fan of Maelstrom because of the haste ability and providing 3 bodies for 1 cards potentially if you cascade right. With Genesis, you can go even bigger. The deck has single digit non permanent cards so you're not going to be a whiffing on it at all and can either provide catch up in the game if it's the only card in your hand or push you through to win with the combinations of stuff you can hit. It might be a little wishful thinking with the high cmc but I'd have to play with it more to see what it's average range I'm hitting is.

Thrakkus the Butcher > Junji, the Midnight Sky

Junji ended up being too unreliable to reanimate something worthwhile out of your opponents graveyard and sometime enabled opponent's strategies with the discard effect. Thrakkus will also probably be a forever staple in this deck going forward. Doubling power allows the deck to be having dragon buffing effects as well as playing well with Atarka, World Render with double strike for insane amounts of damage. It is a little weird that this dragon doesn't fly but still very cool.

Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm > Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God

It makes me sad to see Bolas but it's time. It's not that the card is bad. It's just that it doesn't provide a whole lot to the deck currently and is more of a pet card and I needed to find space. With Miirym, I think I still don't understand what this card is capable of. Some of the insane combos you can pull off with having double legends, not to mention the not legendary dragons, can easily take over the game. And with mass reanimation, you'll definitely blow everyone out if you get enough dragons back on the field and start triggering abilities.

Jator says... #1

New set has a lot of interesting cards interested to see what you end up changing.

April 29, 2022 5:35 p.m.

Willen says... #2

I would suggest use Bootleggers' Stash with Beledros Witherbloom to make some good interactions. Even Atsushi, the Blazing Sky maybe switch with Moonveil Regent, because 3CMC with flying, trample, 4/4 it's a fair creature, and create 3 treasures can be used with the reanimation part of deck. Goldspan Dragon can power up even more this strategies, and we have access to Old Gnawbone. It's just a idea to improve more treasures and reanimators sides of the deck.

April 29, 2022 10 p.m.

Willen says... #3

Silumgar's Scorn doesn't enter in Dragon Tribal requirement? It's nearly impossible not having a dragon card in hand, and this low mana instant counters anything.

May 8, 2022 9:32 a.m.

MattN7498 says... #4

Pascal1993 I would take out some of the bigger and expensive cards for more interaction, tutors and removal. With this deck, in wanting to get all the cool dragon stuff in, there's a tradeoff of slots you're allowing yourself to be able to do that. With everything I have included, I want to be playing these dragons which can only leave so much room for the cheaper cards mentioned.

Delrimus Thanks! I haven't really because there's a lot of situations where you're wanting to drop this card and attack to get the trigger and expecting the table to go around a whole turn is just asking too much. And there may be even some instances where you don't have a 6 power dragon as there are some lower power dragons in the deck. These types of effects are more efficient on other cards like Sneak Attack which I think are better for the deck.

Drboom151 Other fetches, expensive tutors, original dual lands, etc. They don't really add to the dragon themed deck idea. You can certainly do it if you have the cards/want to. I just don't think they're necessary for what I'm wanting :)

Willen So Bootleggers' Stash does nothing in this deck that can't make use of the artifacts or is a dedicated lands deck. Even if it combos with one dragon, which is one asking for a lot and two isn't good enough. It's a 6 mana do nothing artifact when you cast it. Then during your next turn, to make use of the effect, you have to cast nothing to get treasures. Sure you might be able to make 1-2 mana at the end of each turn if you don't use all your mana but there are cheaper cards that can do that better and expecting this card to live when artifacts can be easily destroyed in this format just isn't enough. It's better in a Korvold deck where you can instantly convert it into actual resources. Atsushi, the Blazing Sky isn't exciting enough or impactful enough for me to include him. The first effect might end up in spots where you're not able to actually cast the cards and lose out on access to them in your deck. And even if there are a small amount of treasure synergy cards, having 3 cards to justify when the list is already tight isn't enough for me. Plus there's going to be better dragons coming in the future. With Smuggler's Share, I was on this card when it spoiled but after looking it, I compare it to Rhystic Study. I don't have it in the deck anymore as I felt like I didn't need it on top of the other dragon related enchantments I already have. Even if I'm able to get the value on other peoples turns, it feels very Monologue Tax like to me as I'm always wanting it to trigger rather than having to rely on my opponents. So if I'm not running Rhystic, why bother running this? And no, Silumgar's Scorn doesn't justify running one counter spell. If I wanted this effect, I would just run Counterspell. But having these few slots dedicated to a small things dilutes the deck. If you're does a lot of small things of things then it doesn't do anything. I'm wanting to ramp and cast dragons early and start beating face. If my dragons die, that's okay I'll just bring them back later. Having one ace in the hole counterspell for when your stuff is about to get destroyed is a very specific scenario for wanting one of this of card. Not to mention they could a counterspell of their own and theres two other opponents. You'd want to run more of these types of cards which I'm not interested in doing.

May 8, 2022 1:54 p.m.

Jator says... #5

the new dungeons and dragons set seems to have a few cards worth checking out so far.

May 23, 2022 9:30 p.m.

Reaperfire says... #6

Love the deck and have been playing it regularly. There’s a new card that just leaked from the new commander set called Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm which makes copies of non token dragons which aren’t legendary so it’s a pretty big asset for this deck I think.

Only thing I would change in this deck is either add a tutor or more interaction cards as the higher level decks will counter you and lock you out on the table.

May 24, 2022 8:57 p.m.

Niemandswasser says... #7

MattN749 are you seeing these Baldur's Gate spoilers?!! XD

May 27, 2022 7:06 a.m.

Ebegeezer says... #8

Just wanted to say that this has been a massive help with my own list and it's great that you explain the exclusions in such depth. Any tips on viable opening hands? Cheers

May 30, 2022 7:37 a.m.

Ebegeezer says... #9

Just wanted to say that this has been a massive help with my own list and it's great that you explain the exclusions in such depth. Any tips on viable opening hands? Cheers

May 30, 2022 7:39 a.m.

Hey MattN7498, looking forward to all the D&D cards, I also saw you added Greater Good, do you find it usually adds value?

June 1, 2022 6:47 a.m.