Ur-Dragon's Multiverse Onslaught | *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH MattN7498

SCORE: 295 | 236 COMMENTS | 88881 VIEWS | IN 194 FOLDERS

CORE SET 2020 UPDATE —July 3, 2020

Hello! Time for another Core Set with some big dragons. Always a big fan of Core Sets for the more simpler Magic playstyles and card designs but they brought a lot of cool new cards this go. This go around on the deck updates just adding a few more efficient things and then I’m potentially working on getting some actual alters done by the next set, so we’ll see how that goes! I will be sure to update the primer information whenever I get a chance.

Nicol Bolas, Dragon-Godfoil > Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God

Terror of the Peaks > Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire

Jesus they could not have printed a better dragon. The paying of extra life is a nice ability to have but having Warstorm Surge on a Dragon that costs 4 mana is exactly what this deck wanted. And with that, the worst dragon had to get cut in Vaevictis. We can’t take a lot of advantage with his ability as we usually have to sacrifice a lot of big and expensive things or mana for the ability which are vital to the deck.

Garruk's Uprising > Surrak Dragonclaw

A cheaper and more resilient card draw engine that also provides our creatures with trample which is big for the deck. Too make room, we had a choice of cutting expensive card draw or expensive combat enablers and Surrak seemed like the best exchange for this enchantment.

Sinidrax says... #1

Shouldn't the Forest come out for the other Triome?

June 14, 2020 10:51 a.m.

Sinidrax says... #2

Also, how come no Ancient Ziggurat?

June 17, 2020 7:48 a.m.

MattN7498 says... #3

Sinidrax The other triomes don't replace any current as an upgrade that is wanting to add more Red and Green sources so they aren't necessary. As for Ziggurat, having a land that only works for 1/2 of the nonland spells isn't enticing as a 5C land when we already have more than enough in the deck already.

June 17, 2020 11:52 p.m.

Sinidrax says... #4

Why do you say replacing a forest with a fetchable tricolor land that can also cycle isn't an upgrade?

June 18, 2020 9:45 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #5

Sinidrax With already having so much fixing between fetches and dual lands, trying to get more basics in (at least one of each hopefully) allows to add better ramp effects to the deck like Cultivate as well as having basics in your deck from searching from opponents effects from things like Path to Exile or Group hug.

June 19, 2020 10:51 a.m.

ertai111 says... #6

nice deck. i took your base and tweaked it a bit to my liking.

June 23, 2020 10:14 p.m.

Infernocoppu says... #7

Hey, have you thought about dragons from m21? I'm going to slot Terror of the Peaks in my deck for sure, rest of them is kinda meh but this one is a nice upgrade.

July 1, 2020 7:30 a.m.